Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here a question may be raised as to just what we mean when we think of ourselves as plunged by the twentieth century into a chaos of relativism .
2 But whereas the long version refers only to the words in Lamentations 1:12 ( O all ye that pass by the way , attend , and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow ) , the short version incorporates all the references to focus more sharply on the organic relationship between man and Christ whose natural growth is blasted by sin : And only in the short version does the meditator acknowledge this by identifying himself with the penitent thief pleading for pardon to be extended to him , and confessing his failure to acknowledge Christ as the true source of his integrity : In both versions the meditator admits that the very ability to recognise the life-giving power in Christ is a sign that he in fact has the love of God even if he does not feel it : And in both , as the meditator sees his betrayal and sense of deprivation borne by Christ in His words : " My god , my dere god , why hastow al forsakyn me … ( 89. cf.102 ) he imagines himself lying down among the bones of dead men on mount Calvary , taking the foot of the Cross in his arms , the stench of death in his nostrils .
3 If this was the case the caveman 's body would need to be ready to run away very quickly , or enable him to try to defend himself if caught by the tiger .
4 Then Gascoigne , hitherto a pale shadow of himself and stifled by the physical attention of man-marker Walter Bonacina , made his heroic contribution and doused those particular flames .
5 These rules include provision for the calculation of a quota of votes which if gained by a candidate will ensure election and this has the effect of producing in each constituency a result in seats which is as nearly proportional as possible to the opinions of the voters .
6 We we used to have lots , they used to go my father used to put er a a bird a bird trap er bird second time to catch and we used to pluck them and and them and roast by the fire you know .
7 With their shareholders lulled by the regulatory safety net strung under them and lured by the prospect of fat and easy profits , many banks in the 1980s went for growth instead .
8 The disciplinary rules applicable to you and agreed by the Council will be found in the documents referred to in paragraph 3 above .
9 Rather they see it as production — the production of meaning by the text itself when activated by the reader .
10 v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food the Court of Appeal , while regarding itself as bound by the view that Article 86 gave rise to a claim for damages , held that another directly applicable provision , Article 30 ( dealing with quantitative restrictions on imports ) attracted only the remedy of judicial review .
11 Miss Evans did n't eat with them but stood by the table like a waitress in a restaurant , taking the plates to the sink as soon as they 'd cleared them and sweeping up crumbs round their chairs before they had finished drinking their milk .
12 These days he has plenty of time to run the legs off his dog Quintus in nearby Richmond Park , just outside London , to indulge his hobby of stamp collecting and just to read novels , something that went by the board during his last few years at the Foreign Office , familiarly known as the FO .
13 There 's a remarkably fat one that stands by the nearby shellfish stall .
14 really need one one that you by hand and the other one that adjusts by the temperature you 've set
15 The formula was clearly a successful one as proved by the high survival rate and healthy condition of all four penguin species .
16 However , the effect of the recent tribunal decisions in Warrener v Walden Engineering Co Ltd ( Case No 22672/91 , Hull 21 October 1991 ) and in Perry v Intec Colleges Ltd [ 1993 ] IRLR 56 is that there is a major risk for a purchaser that he is now obliged to provide occupational pension benefits to the employees equivalent to those enjoyed by them while employed by the vendor .
17 He motioned an unwilling Adjutant and Sergeant out ahead of him and stood by the open door , frowning so deeply that Clarissa would have followed if Charity had n't risked leaving her defences and staked all on a final devastating attack .
18 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
19 ‘ What is it ? ’ he said , watching her and flooded by a feeling that he had not expected .
20 I was relieved to see her and encouraged by the confidence she gave me .
21 Nora endured one day at Thorpe after John had left ; then she decided that to be without him but surrounded by the children , the house , the land — by all they stood to lose and all that would make the loss hurt most — would be intolerable .
22 I wonder what Ministry will provoke in the kids here inside this Berlin dope den — are they as consumed by the same perverse taste for blood as myself ?
23 He that liveth by the sword shall perish by the sword .
24 Henrietta 's brow was high , and her hair was scraped back from it and secured by an intricate velvet ribbon in a smooth , elaborate chignon : a Bambi head , a skull head , a too , too thin head , an over-bred head , a painful head .
25 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
26 The point is that many an insect was saved by an exceedingly slight resemblance to a twig or a leaf or a fall of dung , on occasions when it was far away from a predator , or on occasions when the predator was looking at it at dusk , or looking at it through a fog , or looking at it while distracted by a receptive female .
27 Granted that words have a certain elasticity of meaning , the general rule remains that the judges regard themselves as bound by the words of a statute when these words clearly govern the situation before the court .
28 The following resolution passed by the Bournemouth Congress in 1971 also illustrates this new mood : This Congress demands according to the rights of citizenship in a democratic society : a ) That whenever legislation is proposed concerning the deaf , the deaf themselves as represented by the British Deaf Association should have full consultation and adequate participation at all levels ; b ) That in the implementation of all such legislation the deaf should be given every opportunity for active participation ; c ) That there should be adequate representation by deaf persons on governing bodies of all Associations and schools concerned with the welfare , employment and education of the deaf .
29 Economic growth in Latin America has accumulated benefits in the hands of a few , rather than distributing them as predicted by the modernists .
30 To maintain that , since the ‘ biological ’ is always presented to us as mediated by the ‘ social ’ , the ‘ biological ’ is nothing and the ‘ social ’ is everything , would once again be idealist sophistry .
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