Example sentences of "[art] [noun] it [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is inevitably highly selective , both in the Acts it covers and in what it includes from each Act .
2 Altering the look of a step can involve changing the time signature or tempo to which it is danced , the direction it takes or a change of épaulement , its quality and expressiveness , to name but a few .
3 To the sensor it appears that all the energy has been reflected from point P on the ground whereas , in fact , it has not , because some has been scattered within the atmosphere and has never reached the ground at all .
4 The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ' education committee opted not to continue the support it gave when the Government withdrew funding for Scotland 's only adult residential college in 1988 .
5 In an ideal world I would also like to see the Campaign I support and represent cease to accept cash inducements from the institutions it attacks while paying lip service to valid campaigning issues .
6 At the trial it appeared that the defendant was not in fact owner of the houses .
7 After the trial it emerged that the foreman of the jury was not only a member of Sir Joh 's National Party but had in fact raised funds for his legal expenses .
8 At one level this meant giving each town or neighbourhood the cinema it deserved and having a range of cinemas in down-town areas .
9 There are several fabliaux in which the explicit moral seems to be so incongruous in relation to the narrative it accompanies as to be facetious , if not sarcastic .
10 It has its new smell still — the perfect red plastic smell , the smell of writing numbers in arithmetic books ruled in squares ; the smell it had before it got mixed up in the dust and plasticine and tangled electric flex in the toy drawer .
11 The trade unions , trades councils and local Labour parties informed their members about the dangers it presented and energized their opposition — albeit in the form of peaceful protest .
12 One of the qualities of jade that contributed most to social harmony was the musical nature of the notes it emitted when struck .
13 In the contract it states that they can chose their own producer , recording budget and studio .
14 When and where it met , the times it opened and closed , the people who were present , apologies for absence , actions it was agreed should be taken and the names of the individuals who will take responsibility .
15 Like the system of militia service it pressed heavily upon the poorer sections of the groups it affected and fell comparatively lightly on the middle classes of the French seaports .
16 One of the reasons it thinks that COSE is interested in its participation is that it has some key technology that in typical DEC fashion , it has failed to trumpet .
17 It made the readers share in the horror it described and thereby so disgusted , shocked and outraged them that instead of tending to encourage anyone to homosexuality , drug-taking or brutal violence it would have precisely the reverse effect .
18 And the star ’ — he tipped his head in the general direction of the galaxies — ‘ is the perfect symbol for the hope it brings because , like a star , it is glimpsed most clearly from the corner of the eye . ’
19 To the layman it seemed that a decreasing service was being provided at increasing expense .
20 It 's pretty good fun — I like the noise it makes when it breaks .
21 The price you pay for your lawnmower does not reflect the cost to your neighbours of the noise it makes when you use it .
22 It hits his head and you do n't hear the noise it makes because you cry out at the same time , as though it 's you in the bed , you being attacked , you being killed .
23 Some , such as Robert Owen , among socialists , and conservatives such as Thomas Carlyle , had argued from the beginning of industrial capitalism in Britain that the source of the unequal distribution of wealth , income and power lay in the competitive , individualistic nature of the new economic system and the values it perpetuated and strengthened : the emphasis upon individual rather than co-operative effort , upon self-help for all rather than upon mutual obligation , such as the responsibility of the rich to help the poor in return for their labour .
24 Secondly , when the Department asked about the balance and breadth of the curriculum it found that few authorities encouraged schools to discuss the issues and it was mainly through routine visits of advisers that concern for balance and breadth was promoted .
25 That when women are given the vote it follows that children should be given it too is no argument at all , but a version of it occurs in modern debates over the justice or injustice of Mill 's famous disclaimer in his essay On Liberty .
26 I think basically having having heard the argument put forward from from both sides what what we 're really talking about is a is a policy that in in terms of its support from the districts it depends whether or not any particular district council might have such a use for the policy .
27 Packets leaving the wrapping machine still passed over the checkweigher as before but now , instead of merely passing or rejecting each pack , the computer captured the data it measured and performed various analyses including the average weight and standard deviation for each hour .
28 A few stars pricked the sky , and in the warmth of the car it seemed that she and Luke were the only two people in the world , travelling through a hushed darkness together .
29 To the outsider it appears that when change of any kind is required , the NHS is so structured as to resemble a " mobile " : designed to move with any breath of air , but which in fact never changes its position and gives no clear indication of direction .
30 From the nucleotide sequence the amino acid sequence of the protein it codes for can be determined and this provides an excellent starting point for finding out the role of the protein in development .
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