Example sentences of "with [be] " in BNC.

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1 Like BROWNIES they are happy with am offering of bread and milk at the end of the day .
2 The care of people in the community , with are ill with HIV infection and AIDS , together with the education of schoolchildren to help prevent the spread of this terrible disease is becoming more and more urgent . ’
3 Most of the outside organisations he is involved with are based in the Midlands .
4 ‘ The first thing to remember is that 99 per cent of the people you come into contact with are people whom you do n't have to worry about at all .
5 The major minerals that most people are concerned with are iron and calcium .
6 Such matters as are dealt with are administrative questions , such as those concerning common rights .
7 All we are left with are a few opening chapters ( published as Coots in the North , edited by Hugh Brogan ) , and notes towards an encounter between two sets of pirates , the Death and Glories and the Amazons , which promised to have been a battle royal .
8 The predictions that I have concerned myself with are rather more critical .
9 So much so that they are convinced that very many of the problems that they deal with are unemployment related .
10 Most British people and publications I am acquainted with are quite proud of their command of the English language and engage in quite a lot of patting themselves on the back .
11 Fortunately , the easiest species to start with are also among the most beautiful .
12 Where the branch manufactures a product ( such as a car ) the standards it must comply with are those of the host member state ; conversely , where it sells a product made in its home member state the manufacturing standards of the home member state are normally the relevant ones , although the rules of the host member state would apply to its advertising in that state provided that they are justified as being for the public good .
13 The switches I find the most awkward to deal with are the mains rotary on/off switches that are supplied by several of the main electronic component retailers .
14 My own opinion is that all cold-blooded animals are endowed with responsive behaviour that can be mistaken for higher intelligence , when what we are really dealing with are reflex actions to given stimuli — as in Pavlov 's dogs , which salivated when a bell they associated with food was rung .
15 Pretty soon , if you consider that the only gags he feels at home with are the ones that get stuffed in his mouth in the interest of his , er , research .
16 I could n't agree more with Are we breeding the Lolita generation ?
17 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
18 But the thing that everyone leaves with are memories of a special holiday experience that remains vivid long after the tan has faded .
19 They set out to make sweeping historical epics but all they can come up with are mini-series with no ad breaks .
20 The only criteria of ‘ science ’ we are left with are its ‘ openness ’ and the fact that it takes place ‘ entirely in thought ’ .
21 Not all the good ideas that curriculum developers and academics come up with are daft or unrealistic .
22 Where we are not dealing solely with our own affairs but forming general preferences as to the kind of society we would like to live in , the main pleasures and pains we are concerned with are precisely these pleasures and pains of sympathy .
23 Before the brigade of receptionists change shift they must ensure that all work has been processed as far as possible and that any messages or matters to be dealt with are brought to the attention of the evening shift .
24 Unlike other British sculptors of recent times , however , the materials he works with are not drawn from the junk-heap but tend to be artefacts symbolic of consumer society : cars , television sets and illustrated magazines .
25 Most of the people I knock about with are in the union .
26 The main internal relations they are concerned with are those which generate waves of innovation by industrial enterprises .
27 The innovations in production processes they deal with are those embodied in new types of machinery , transport and instruments rather than innovations in the organization of labour even though the former are , in fact , closely linked to the latter .
28 What we would be dealing with are more of the implications , or this is how , for whatever reasons , it has come to pass that people write journalistic stories in this kind of way — might there not be other , better , more adequate ways of writing journalistic stories ?
29 The only three fish I am left with are a Majestic Witch , which also has a white mark around the mouth , a Black Wedge , which is not feeding , and the Moon Angel , that is still in good health .
30 Perhaps the very first thing you will discover in acquiring a knowledge of actual police work , though it is in fact obvious , is that the sort of murders the police deal with are very different from the sort of murders that the detectives of detective stories dealt with .
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