Example sentences of "at all " in BNC.

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1 He is not at all well , very breathless , and by the time we are in the care he is gasping for air .
2 Drugs often make people feel they 're coping , when they 're really not coping at all .
3 It is the churches that provide our volunteers ; without their support we would not be able to provide a service at all .
4 James S. Ackerman , the architectural scholar , makes use of this phrase in writing about art and communication : ‘ What a work of art communicates can be described only in terms of an interaction between an object and a subject ; it communicates nothing at all unless someone is there to look at it .
5 One must never forget that the reality of the twentieth century is not the reality of the nineteenth century , not at all and Picasso was the only one in painting who felt it , the only one .
6 Eternal values can also be sought in art , as they were by the French art historian Élie Faure , whose open mind accepted disparate arts , a view which he expressed like this : ‘ It is not paradoxical at all to affirm that an Ivory Coast mask and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel express the same need to manifest a harmonious rapport which exists between mankind and the universe . ’
7 He it was who first , among moderns at all events , conceived this method of organizing the infinite complexity of appearance by referring it to a geometrical scaffolding .
8 However , if biographies of artists are carefully examined , it will be found that they do not necessarily contain much art criticism at all ; a biographer may prefer not to express personal views about the artist 's work ; a book 's main thrust may be to describe the artist 's own aims and ideas .
9 But the painting said nothing at all to me as I stood gazing at it .
10 She ‘ knew ’ that ‘ she had come to a place at the end of the world ’ , a backwater where there was no action at all .
11 So he is both doubly an outcast and no outcast at all .
12 In Search of a Past affects not to be written at all — so much as researched , recorded and compiled .
13 Sinclair 's , at all events , is the work of a Modernist , and is unlikely to be that of an occultist .
14 A paranoid reproach is aimed at all females by an Amis-like figure , who then reproaches himself , or is reproached by some other Amis agent detectable in the novel .
15 It 's a very funny joke , but it works at the expense of treating her like a child , which is not at all what the novel usually intends .
16 But then I 'll be told that it 's not about him at all , in that silly sense .
17 He is among the least ego-bound of book-writers , the least ego-bound of autobiographers , at all times able to look beyond himself and his community .
18 Rigidity of approach is something to be avoided at all costs — there is no point in being able to do a ‘ party piece ’ one way and be unable to take in new direction on the same material .
19 Looked at all the usual things ; the cottages , the rectory and so on and , eventually ended up in the churchyard ; the one where Rupert Brooke is buried .
20 And , although nobody wishes to be exploited with low wages and very difficult conditions , it is frankly better to find the ways and means of presenting yourself somehow , than not perform at all .
21 The new actor is generally operating in top gear and if this momentum is stopped it can be very damaging to the morale and can result in an actor 's technical skills going rusty — something to be avoided at all costs .
22 Not at all .
23 In fact I found Shakespeare very difficult to get on with and was n't at all sure that I wanted to .
24 To be ready to work at all times .
25 I think we have to remember at all times that we belong to a profession in which there can not be qualifications .
26 This does not mean that there is no cultural convergence at all between the two alliances in Ireland .
27 Their culture was not to be considered at all in the constitution .
28 This meant that couples who had married across the religious divide were not allowed to adopt at all .
29 The parish priest of Brackenstown , Swords , County Dublin , distributed a newsletter at all masses on Ascension Thursday , 22 May — though before he had read Archbishop MacNamara 's guidelines on how to conduct the campaign — claiming that no-fault divorce was first introduced by Nazi Germany and that it had since wreaked ‘ more havoc on the Allied countries than any German army or air force ever did ’ ( Irish Times , 28 June 1986 ) .
30 It is much worse to begin too soon , he wrote , than not to begin at all .
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