Example sentences of "and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One day I would write it — and them — off the face of the earth … ’ .
2 Agents do n't want deadwood and if they are interested in you it is because they feel they can sell you into the market , so that you can go on and make money both for yourself and them .
3 A bit gladiatorial , I suppose one might say — a sort of us and them feeling .
4 She was consumed with gauging his mood , foreseeing every move he made , hag-ridden by the spectres of all the troubles he could bring down on himself and them .
5 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
6 To throw up an impenetrable Berlin Wall between you and them could be tactless .
7 Before 1948 we used to pretend that all such countries were just copies of the United Kingdom , except that , in place of the monarch , they had a Governor-General , who , we assured ourselves and them , represented the monarch .
8 In the shadow of that history there is all the more to appreciate about the way progressive movements in our time have turned things around , and begun positively to identify the difference of the other : ‘ the emphasis on discontinuity , the celebration of difference and heterogeneity , and the assertion of plurality as opposed to reductive unities — these ideas have animated almost an entire generation of literary and cultural critics ’ ( Mohanty , ‘ Us and Them ’ , 56 — 7 ) .
9 You can have the finest degree in the world , but at the end of the day you are judged as an individual and on your performance and them things begin to happen .
10 The state of the river and a temperature barely above freezing means it is going to be hard today but I will still feed about a dozen maggots when I cast in , and them the same again when the float is halfway down the swim .
11 There ai n't so many people about , and them that are look like they 're real busy — you know , just hurrying along as though they 're in a rush to get home .
12 The 200-year-old mansion was once the home of the Balfours of Balbirnie and them the headquarters of the GDC .
13 Once more , it 's Us and Them .
14 They were rumoured to wait until dark and them to cross into the white suburb and steal wallets from trousers draped across bedroom chairs while their white owners slept .
15 Ali is not up to repartee these days , never was , really , unless he was in the mood , and them he 'd fade you with one of his standard lines ( ‘ You no as dumb as you look ’ ) .
16 And them other doctors said I were n't to go back up London for no operation not till I was Al , else I 'd be dead as a herring . ’
17 And them Druids were disgusting with their tatty beards and dirty finger-nails — ‘
18 Us and them
19 ‘ Thinking of Miss Henrietta 's children , sir , and them being soon perhaps in want of a true mother . ’
20 ‘ There will be guns and trenches , a line of fire between us and them .
21 To this , Joseph protested : ‘ If I could , I would take my heart out and hold it in my hand and let the Great Father and the white people see that there is nothing in it but kind feelings and love for him and them . ’
22 Many feel that The Photographers ' Gallery has a somewhat lopsided view of contemporary photography and photographers and that it preaches to the already converted and them alone .
23 His speed and Lachlan 's bull charge through the fight , drawing their own men after him in the vacuum of his passage , ran him and them down into the water as well .
24 Worn out with his own personal brand of window shopping ; all that staring and never buying anything , all those shop windows , all those men to stare at and not dare follow , as if there was indeed a sheet of plate glass between him and them .
26 We 're all making sacrifices , me and Uncle Knacker and the parents and Mr Foggerty and Hoomey and them .
27 He thought of himself , stunning them all by running and swimming and riding and shooting better than the lot of them , and them all eating their words and cheering and him being cool , man .
28 There was a small space between me and them but the mousy man and the suitcase had disappeared .
29 The governing body was concerned that setting up its own separate committee structure would not only be perceived as competing with the existing structure ( with all the attendant risks of a developing ‘ us and them ’ mentality where one rarely existed before ) , but would also be repetitive .
30 Things like these keep residents stimulated , and it also helps build up the relationship between you and them .
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