Example sentences of "is with " in BNC.

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1 Since art critics have these working assumptions in mind , and it is with their writing we shall be mainly concerned , we need to proceed without being distracted .
2 Gentlemen : It is with great regret that I see so many students labouring day after day in the Academy , as if they imagined that a liberal art , such as ours , was to be acquired like a mechanical trade , by dint of labour , or I may add the absurdity of supposing that it could be acquired by any means whatever .
3 The novelist is less inward , less collusive , with her than he is with her husband — a relation fully consonant with Eric 's law of nature — but he wants her view to be respected , and works it too hard as a purchase on wrong thinking .
4 ‘ It 's always ‘ I wonder if you 'd mind ’ with him — never ‘ do this , do that ’ like it is with the Heptonstalls .
5 Your opponent takes up a left fighting stance , that is with the left leg leading .
6 Throughout the philosophy of mind and certainly amongst both lay and professional psychologists there is the view that basically two kinds of fact exist : physical facts about the brain and the external world , on the one hand , and facts ‘ about how it is with us ’ , on the other .
7 My concern here is with the mythology that has accompanied these advances ; the metaphysical claims implicit — and not infrequently explicit — in the way they have been described .
8 Dips will also place great emphasis on this line if they are performed very low , that is with the shoulder below the level of the elbows .
9 The best method of removing old finishes from wood that is to be re-finished with a transparent or semitransparent coating , is with a solvent paint and varnish remover .
10 This incident of the bitten car , presented explicitly as ‘ a challenge to society ’ , has no tonal affinity whatever with Raskolnikov 's murder , its home is with the underground man sticking his tongue out ; the hesitant backward movement towards the world under the floor is also a forward fumble towards Stavrogin and The Possessed .
11 But it is with psychoanalysis that the more obvious affinities of symptomatic reading lie .
12 My concern is with the nature of his reputation , and the striking extent to which both his admirers and his detractors are unable to agree on what kind of writer Derrida is , or even what he is actually saying .
13 It is with regard to this principle , but more importantly to the actual facts of persecution , that we urge the support of Labour 's leaders and membership by restoring , this week , a policy commitment to full equality for lesbians and gay men .
14 However , I should add , it is with regret that we have to take such drastic intervention , a course which could so easily be avoided through co-ordination and commitment by other agencies close at hand .
15 The closest comparison with another polymath in our time that , in spite of personal and other differences , comes to mind is with Arnold Toynbee .
16 The key to it is with Simon Makallah , who lied to us on three occasions . ’
17 You know how it is with these developments .
18 The analogy is with instinctive mystery — an arcane communing which erupts suddenly at a mutually understood signal , like an entire species of bird becoming aware that it is time to mate .
19 ‘ . After another 10 minutes he is with me .
20 The police are aware of how problematic their relationship is with certain sections of Easton 's population , irrespective of religion .
21 The most important relationship in any artist 's career is with their manager .
22 As in After Strange Gods , he is concerned in his conclusion with a return to sources , that is with going back to the savage and working forwards towards his solution to the problem– of modern industrial life ; again such a movement is presented in terms of a familiar encounter .
23 It is with this savage , primitive element that the poem begins :
24 But even as men enter into relations of honourable alliance with each other , it is with an unspoken but ever-present understanding : ‘ I do n't desire you , I desire to be like you ’ .
25 This property is , however , not conceptualized as something in itself ( a kind of mystical link between people and things as it is with fully developed private property ) because it remains only an aspect of the social relations of which the tribe consists .
26 The depraved state of women in monogamy , associated as it is with private property and capitalism , will according to him , be replaced when capitalism is overthrown .
27 It is with these criticisms that we shall deal now .
28 From afar it looks like the classical volcanic cone and it is with a mounting sense of excitement that I climb the last section of loose lava gravel and sharp , welded lava rock .
29 Where it should have tried harder , however , is with taming mechanical noise levels .
30 The real interest of the past , he wrote , ‘ lies in the answer to the question , How did the ordinary undistinguished man live ? … and it is with a view to providing posterity with an addition to such all too scanty materials that the papers … have been embodied in permanent form . ’
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