Example sentences of "given to " in BNC.

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1 Strathclyde Regional Council may provide further funding and consideration is being given to the possible employment of a part-time nurse .
2 ‘ I was impressed by the care given to our clients in London and elsewhere , ’ explained Peter , ‘ and the lengths to which ACET staff go to try and meet the needs of clients .
3 The highest praise can be given to works which match up and accord with these .
4 To the question , therefore , which ought to hold the first rank , Raphael or Michelangelo , it must be answered , that if it is to be given to him who possessed a greater combination of the higher qualities of the art than any other man , there is no doubt but Raphael is the first .
5 Divisions in the book are unusually clear , separate chapters being given to topics such as function , the market , or the historical and political background of the subject .
6 In How Prints Look , first published in 1943 , he wrote ‘ an elementary introduction to the appearances ( the outward and visible signs ) of prints ’ , and cautioned that : ‘ Most of the time spent over it should be given to looking at its pictures . ’
7 A characteristic two pages of the text are given to Corot 's landscapes , five pictures being cited , though the reader is less fortunate than the lecture audience , as only two are illustrated .
8 The museum is also the place where the closest consideration can be given to the troublesome problems of fakes and other forms of inauthenticity .
9 The materials used , for example , merit attention rarely given to paintings in the West whose science is intended to create an illusion .
10 Jane is unlikely to earn much sympathy by virtue of the attention given to the environment which produced her dabbling in eventfulness and her poor kiss , and yet the two environments have more in common than would once have been thought possible .
11 But those who would prefer to explain the book as a comedy of manners , or as current affairs , might have difficulty in explaining the prominence given to the love affair .
12 The expression I am quoting is uttered by Dyer , and it is an expression which Ackroyd is given to using in his books .
13 Raconteur and raisonneur , in his art as in his personal life , he is a concealed author who is evident enough in his hotly opinionated fiction : he is not given to expounding his own passionate opinions there , but can be recognised without difficulty in almost every aspect of every one of his novels , including the speech assigned to his often disputatious characters .
14 Zuckerman has enabled Roth to deal with the question of the offence he has given to righteous Jews , and to come to terms with the rebellious , psychedelic , philo-Semitic Sixties , when Roth 's writing went , with the times , derisive and fantastic .
15 This is a totalizing view of society , and implies a certain anti-pluralism : freedom of belief and action within certain parameters , which are to be decided either by those who appear righteous in the sight of God or by those who , at least , conform in their lawmaking to the advice given to them by the righteous .
16 However , it is the further legitimation given to a particular socio-ethical form of political religion in the constitution and to the implied authority of religious intellectuals in deciding in concreto what must be taken by the state as in the interests of the common good which gives to conflict in Ireland between the two alliances its political religious dimension in the sphere of law .
17 Perhaps some consideration might be additionally given to the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the interiors of unlisted buildings within conservation areas … ’
18 Technology suppliers to the British hotel and restaurant industry say that their products are often under-exploited , because too little thought has been given to what the systems are supposed to achieve and too low a priority is given to staff training .
19 Technology suppliers to the British hotel and restaurant industry say that their products are often under-exploited , because too little thought has been given to what the systems are supposed to achieve and too low a priority is given to staff training .
20 Mobbs says : ‘ On-site training is only viable where suitable facilities exist and commitment is given to releasing staff from daily duties .
21 Given to one or other of us last night .
22 It was given to me as a present so I 'd feel funny about selling it myself , but you could maybe buy a pair of shoes for Sonja with it or something .
23 Below 1,500 feet , the maps should be ignored and priority should be given to checking for suitable fields below while also searching for lift , re-checking on the local wind direction and moving towards a better area of fields if necessary .
24 To make the formal application you will need to complete the forms given to you by your Environmental Health Officer .
25 Barrie Irving , director of the Police Foundation , indicated this antipathy in his title to a paper given to the British Psychological Society , ‘ Research into Policy wo n't go ’ ( 1983 ) .
26 Often a priority given to some activity in this police hierarchy of meaning has been laid down from a constable 's first days as a probationer and now lies beneath the immediate consciousness , so that any calls for a change in direction of police response may well be defeated by an unspoken semantic value which the institution gives to that activity .
27 In a similar fashion , all the representative bodies of the police — ACPO , the Superintendents ' Association , and the Police Federation — were outraged at the creation of the Crown Prosecution Service in the Prosecution of Offences Act in the mid-1980s ; for one area of police power in the courts had been removed at one fell swoop and given to another arm of the executive .
28 Court cases and the resulting media responses given to these new ‘ drug fiends ’ ( to use the phrase coined by Stanley Cohen ( 1973 ) ) verged almost on the hysterical ( see Young 1977 ) , and moral entrepreneurs began to press for more controls and increased action .
29 Mid-thirties and Jay was given to Falling in Love .
30 Jay was given to grandiloquent rambling , and had to check herself .
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