Example sentences of "to have be " in BNC.

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1 As someone once told me ‘ The best things to have are memories ; no one can ever take them away from you . ’
2 All the fish that the average person is likely to have are of the carp family and have similar requirements for their successful reproduction , although certain species , such as orfe and tench , seem loath to breed in captivity in Britain .
3 In a few cases , prisoners are reported to have been deliberately executed without trial .
4 Up to 65 protesters were reported to have been burned to death when security forces set fire to a shopping centre in which they were seeking refuge .
5 Dozens of people are reported to have been tortured while held incommunicado in prolonged garde à vue detention by the Tunisian police since January 1991 .
6 No investigation is known to have been carried out either by the Indian or Sri Lankan authorities .
7 Tell the King that Mohamed Srifi 's only crime seems to have been the expression of his peaceful political views .
8 They were said to have been forcibly dressed in the prison uniform and held for at least 17 days with their arms chained to the cell bars to prevent them from removing the uniform .
9 Orlando Azcué was also said to have been beaten by prison guards on at least three occasions .
10 Modelled on similar organizations in Argentina and Central America , it consists mainly of mothers whose husbands , sons and daughters have ‘ disappeared ’ or are known to have been murdered by the government or the JVP .
11 Some women have acquired status as heroines ; Rosalba Carriera , Angelica Kauffmann , Rosa Bonheur , Berthe Morisot , Paula Modersohn-Becker and Käthe Kollwitz have found places in a pantheon of major talent from which there ought never to have been any question of their exclusion .
12 The reader can thus be aware that a writer may have written round what happens to have been offered .
13 It is said to have been the biggest women 's gathering since suffrage days , a little more than half a century before …
14 But there is some question of a pathogenic secret , of the recovery of material hitherto repressed which influenced his perception of his mother : and his understanding of the past would certainly appear to have been enlarged by his researches .
15 ( But can this be said to have been what happened ?
16 The British reader , who is likely to have been spared certain of the varieties of suffering which are spoken of in the writings of Kundera and Klima , where a joke , or no joke , or nothing whatever , can sequester you for years from the people you grew up with , is in a position , for all that , to know what Sabina means here .
17 The duel in which Lermontov was soon to die is said to have been patterned , so far as its arrangements went , on the one in the novel : the outcome , however , was perceptibly different .
18 Both Amis and Eliot can be considered seasoned disapprovers , and it is probable that Amis shares the other writer 's distaste for the biographical critic , whose activities may be responsibly conducted , and are generally acknowledged to have been successful at times , but have often been reckoned to fail .
19 He has travelled from the liberated past , when imagination took power , to the liberation of an interest in fact — a state which may or may not prove to have been , for Roth , partial or provisional , and which The Facts , in its totality , manages to enclose in an ironised uncertainty .
20 That Bellow , this participant in Roth 's inner life , can also be said to be out there in the world as his friend , and perhaps his rival , is a fact which does not help one to decide whether or not to trust the reports of literary duality — what comes in has to have been out — but it is very much in the tradition .
21 It is a measure of the grim recalcitrance of the region 's problems that Schultz 's message was reported to have been saluted by a strike called in protest among the Palestinians of the occupied territories .
22 These influences , however , would appear to have receded , or to have been digested .
23 Are there aspects of training that you find to have been missing or superficial now that you have had the chance of putting your technical skill to the test ?
24 Equity seems to have been prominent in your career very early on .
25 Statistics up to 1971 showed it as having an old-age structure and to have been in continuing decline , though there are recent signs of improvement ( Census of Ireland 1981 ) .
26 The power of the element of statehood among the dominant beliefs appears to have been sufficient to neutralize the provisional movement in the South , even though it was severely tested by the event of Bloody Sunday in 1972 , when thirteen demonstrators were killed by British soldiers in Derry , and by the provisional hunger strikes of 1981 .
27 This , however , was the only contradiction which appears to have been solved by the 1960s .
28 Many of them appear to have been angered and disappointed at the church 's suppression of the proposed scheme .
29 The nexus appears to have been made for a sufficient number of the laity , as those who eventually voted in the referendum voted in favour of inscribing an appropriate anti-abortion clause in the constitution .
30 There appears to have been a general feeling among them that there was no real problem on this score .
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