Example sentences of "against the " in BNC.

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1 Some were shot dead when thousands of women , protesting against the killings , tried to march on the President 's residence .
2 As AI launched a campaign in March 1991 against the extensive use of the death penalty in China , a nationwide drive to crack down on crime continued unabated .
3 Although this is technically against the rules , it is still common practice .
4 Buddhist monk covers his eyes amid tear gas fired by the security forces during a demonstration against the Indo-Sri Lanka accord in Colombo , 1987 .
5 Formal differences in art have been linked to places in varied ways , one of the best-known Renaissance contrasts being the stress on line evident in Florentine art as against the colourist approach of the Venetians , a city on water .
6 The reader in this situation has a choice : the work in an exhibition can be measured against the artists ' manifesto ; or the critic 's interpretation and assessment can be used .
7 Kate Millett and William Kunstler went about the world protesting against the trial on the grounds that it was ‘ political ’ .
8 The queen of the authors is Harriet Scrope , novelist , plot-stealer , and ferocious egotist , whose war against the world she inhabits extends to her best friend and her cat .
9 In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , the Czech exile Sabina disturbs her French friends by being unable to last out a parade held to protest against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 : ‘ She would have liked to tell them that behind Communism , Fascism , behind all occupations and invasions lurks a more basic , pervasive evil and that the image of that evil was a parade of people marching by with raised fists and shouting identical syllables in unison . ’
10 In books and interviews he has reminded the world that the French Surrealist poet Aragon , having praised Kundera 's excellent novel The Joke in 1968 , and having fulminated against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia — his legs would ‘ refuse ’ to take him to Russia any more — made it to Moscow four years later ; and that another French poet , Eluard , abandoned his Prague friend , the Surrealist Kalandra , to the executioner .
11 The lyric is not generically debarred from standing out against the state , or from taking a generous interest in what goes on in the world .
12 Face hated face , the common ones clashing with the noble ones , the grasping ones against the weaklings .
13 She can , against the odds , be funny : ‘ Dinkas in the market have long , brass-bound pipes .
14 It is there in Stanley and the Women , which persuaded Marilyn Butler — somewhat against the odds , but none the less intelligibly — to interpret it in the London Review as a critique of male supremacy , but which has left a very different impression on others .
15 She displays more sympathy for this anti-Semitic Moses , for this religious man who is against Jews and against the Soviet system , than she does for Jews who are not religious .
16 He is the sort of Sixties dominie who used to inveigh in class against the system .
17 Aaron is a Moorish soldier of fortune , who with his mistress , Tamora , has been captured by the Romans in their war against the Goths .
18 I throw thy name against the bruising stones ,
19 There was to be an expression of a certain solidarity between members of both the catholic and protestant working classes in the Belfast demonstration of 1932 against the inadequate poor relief during the period of particularly high unemployment .
20 Yet , despite the splintering , they have succeeded in allying the present two main parties against the Anglo-Irish agreement of 1985 .
21 But the British government was still involved in the reproduction of antagonisms in the Ulster statelet , rather than passively accepting the perpetuation of inequalities and discrimination against the catholic — nationalist minority .
22 At the same time , despite the popular support for many of the activities of the provisionals north of the border , there is almost no popular support for terrorist activities against the established government in the South .
23 It would appear that the popular religious consciousness makes a distinction between violence against the Southern state , whose statehood can not be questioned , and violence for liberation in the North .
24 Some more theologically articulate members of the provisional movement justify violence on traditional Roman catholic ethical grounds , the theory of the just war against the unjust oppressor .
25 The provisional IRA 's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant — loyalist alliance , which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term ‘ the British ’ , is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious .
26 The provisional IRA 's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant — loyalist alliance , which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term ‘ the British ’ , is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious .
27 Covenant theology itself empowers the people to take action against the state in certain and specific circumstances , and Ian Paisley and many of his supporters both within and without the Orange order have frequently used bully-boy tactics , and approved paramilitary processions , marching , and drilling .
28 In a sense , the new Irish constitution was going against the spirit of this approach .
29 In fairness to de Valera , it must be said that he opposed any attempt to incorporate the church into the apparatus of the state and in this was , as already noted , going against the form of relationship preferred by the Popes of the day .
30 He condemned dancing in every form , even the kitchen dances were sinful and against the wishes of our Church .
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