Example sentences of "over every " in BNC.

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1 Yet the Tutor 's capitulation to Natalia reveals her power over every man she meets as well as his failure to withstand her wiles .
2 He wrote month after month with fearful haste , and yet the Soviet editor only exaggerates slightly when he says that the manuscripts reveal ‘ immense , most rigorous work , literally over every phrase ’ .
3 The smallest varieties are the most prized , so the plants have to be picked over every two or three days to prevent the buds from becoming either too large or opening into flowers .
4 ‘ Do you think I have n't been over every inch of that argument a million times ?
5 They also remarked with astonishment a sort of combat between God and her without being able to determine whether God was more occupied in seeking in the secrets of his wisdom the means of exercising her by suffering than she was disposed to suffer for his love ; for she showed an incredible avidity for crosses and an invincible patience over her trials and over every affliction which Almighty God sent to exercise her love and fidelity .
6 Next week I shall take my wife over every inch of this lovely island , which I and my cousin consecrated many years ago , when our destiny seemed assured and likely to be shared .
7 He did n't want to make the same mistakes again and was taking great care over every detail , researching the best possible way to lure the creature into his grasp .
8 Over every railway station the flag of Hope waves bright , while day after day the befriending express moves in and out on its errand of health .
9 Carefully , he narrowed this down to opinion , but this was a highly pressurised role where he had to think carefully over every throwaway line .
10 Everywhere we looked , around every corner , over every rise , a seemingly endless array of lochs and lochans beckoned .
11 It sometimes seemed to me that animal rights must always prevail over every other claim , however strong , including claims from the environment .
12 He was a free-thinker — one whose thoughts ranged widely over every unorthodox idea , forging connections where none had previously been contemplated .
13 If you sprinkle salt over every meal , stop it !
14 Montgomery kept his eyes on the knight , running a torch beam over every chink of the armour in search of tell-table signs .
15 The technological control of nature characteristic of the West has been interpreted as the fulfilment of God 's command to Adam to exercise dominion over all the earth and over every living thing .
16 Which is quite an admirable trait , because most people seem hell bent on playing all over every single track , whether it 's needed or not . ’
17 Repeat these rows to form a cable cross over every ten rows .
18 Literally on hands and knees , his men crawled over every inch of the designated area , with plastic bags and tweezers .
19 The world has not seen more than once or twice in all the course of history a literature which has exercised such prodigious influence over the minds of men , over every cast and shade of intellect , as that which emanated from Rousseau between 1749 and 1762 .
20 The 33-year-old from Seattle is so laid back he is almost horizontal , while Faldo 's intensity over every shot would have most other players reaching for the straight jacket .
21 The Genesis account is again very clear : ‘ And God blessed them , and God said unto them , Be fruitful , and multiply , and replenish the earth , and subdue it ; and have dominion … over every living thing ’ ( Gen. 1:28 ) and is repeated to Noah ( after the Flood ) in a virtually identical form .
22 Words give us power over every other creature and thing in the natural world .
23 And his electrically-powered Sungift 400 buggy was nearly blown over every time a juggernaut roared by .
24 This proviso was fundamental , and we can find it expressed in two letters of this period on the preference to be given to the claim of monastic life over every other demand — a theme of central importance in his thought .
25 Fully one-third of the marketable federal debt is rolled over in any year ; half is rolled over every two years .
26 Poulantzas identified the rise of authoritarian statism as the principal trend in contemporary liberal democratic politics , and defined it as ‘ intensified state control over every sphere of socio-economic life combined with a radical decline of the institutions of political democracy , and with draconian and multiform curtailment of so-called ‘ formal ’ liberties ' ( Poulantzas , 1978 , pp. 203 — 4 ) .
27 Housewives were advised to turn pillows over every morning when making the beds and the pillowcases would then last twice as long .
28 Nicholas wore himself out seeking to keep control over every conceivable decision in his own hands , so convinced was he that the sovereign alone could perceive the common good .
29 That a measure apparently so contrary to noble interests was carried through has encouraged the view that , in the hands of a determined tsar , the Russian State was able to ride roughshod over every class .
30 Through the emergence of the arts and crafts movement , Morris succeeded in establishing a craft tradition in which the individual could retain some control over every stage of manufacture from design to execution , and thereby gain a far more satisfactory relationship with the product .
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