Example sentences of "years have " in BNC.

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1 More than a hundred years have passed since Morelli started writing ; in that time many problems of authorship have been solved , while about others tacit agreement has been reached .
2 The Peak Park 's restrictions to moorland in the last three years have caused far more disruption to climbing than bolts ever have , and these were bans imposed by people who are sympathetic to our cause .
3 The Pope said : ‘ Events in recent years have seriously aggravated the differences between us . ’
4 However , many cars built within the last few years have hardened valve seats , or alloy cylinder heads that need little ( simply a retune ) or no modification to use unleaded petrol .
5 A mountain bike is the perfect touring vehicle for Nepal 's roads , which in recent years have deteriorated badly .
6 The past two years have only seen the start of the process , and in terms of M4 the process has not been started at all .
7 Tranmere Rovers .... 3 Leyton Orient ...... 0 TRANMERE ROVERS , who in recent years have survived a threat of extinction as well as only just preserving League membership , reinforced their position as Third Division leaders by overcoming Leyton Orient , thereby stretching the margin to four points .
8 Recent years have seen a succession of second-rate political memoirs illuminated by the self-serving clarity of hindsight , stashed with dutiful acknowledgements to dreary constituency agents , padded out with hack accounts of official visits to one foreign country or another .
9 Bath players of recent years have never appeared as convincing for England as they regularly do for Bath ; while if they are part of one of those curious South-West sides their form goes down yet another notch .
10 The Plowden Report on Control of Public Expenditure contained , amongst other nuggets of wisdom , the following sentence which I should like to take as my starting-point : ‘ The social changes of the last fifteen years have altered the incidence of hardship , so that there now may well be excessive social services for some purposes and inadequate ones for others . ’
11 In many respects the Thatcher years have been depressing for the trade unions .
12 The efforts of African leaders to build a new political system within their countries in the last twenty-five years have not for the most part been successful .
13 The last thirty years have not therefore established precedents for the future .
14 While the north of Cameroun has been badly affected , its key productive areas lie in the high rainfall zones of the western highlands ; in Kenya the old colonial rule-of-thumb that one year in five will be a year of drought has been sustained , and lean years have been followed by bumper crops .
15 The second point is : Most of us down the years have tried to pray , and have found a pattern that suits us .
16 Most of the people who have been close to me over the years have been paid to be .
17 Alyssum flourishes , whatever the weather , and breeding advances in recent years have made this plant a lot more versatile .
18 It is quite usual to find large joints of roast beef and pork for slicing on the delicatessen counter , but two of the more interesting meats to reach us in recent years have been smoked turkey and pastrami .
19 The fast-swimming Dall 's porpoise has been particularly hard hit in the North Pacific and hundreds of thousands of animals over the last 20 years have been entangled in the giant drift-nets of the salmon , squid , and tuna fisheries .
20 Recent years have seen a revival of popular faith in America among Britons and Germans .
21 But perestroika came late to the Soviet Academy of Sciences , and the reforms introduced over the past two years have yet to take effect .
22 ( Two words of warning : the past few years have revealed an odd seasonal pattern of a good first quarter followed by three bad ones ; and , true to form , April and May this year have proved less rewarding than earlier months .
23 The past few years have been poor snow years for frustrated skiers .
24 Yet the past five-ten years have been remarkable for the amount of attention given in America to such principles .
25 Successive opinion polls in recent years have found only around 10% overall in favour of a united Ireland under present circumstances .
26 Recent years have seen a growing awareness that most of these assumptions about rape are myths .
27 Studies of rape in England and Wales suggest that two-thirds of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender , and that only one-third involve strangers ; that two-fifths of victims suffer physical violence as well as rape , and one-sixth suffer additional sexual indignities ; that recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of rapes between acquaintances , and that rapes are increasing a little in their intrinsic seriousness ( i.e. in terms of the violence used , other sexual acts , etc ) , but that the most significant rise has been in the average length of sentences imposed on rapists by the courts .
28 As the years have passed , he 's started waiting for us at the door on visitors ' days .
29 Many farms I have visited over the past 10 years have needed little more than a re-organisation of their existing system and some basic drainage alterations .
30 The hot summers and mild winters of the last few years have added several of more unusual colonisers .
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