Example sentences of "how [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Still , I marvel at how eagerly and easily a chub will bite , considering how shy they are in all other respects .
2 ‘ You remember how shy the father of Moseh was when Hamed 's father put the proposal ?
3 Igor Stravinsky met him for the first time in this year , and recalled how shy he seemed .
4 Clever , educated , efficient , but oh , how shy , how awkward with her body even as a child .
5 This kind of mistreatment highlights how descriptive words and terms can be confusing if they are taken to mean anything more than a means of distinguishing form — and not size , for instance .
6 And you tell me , how fabulous is that . ’
7 And that night of course in The Bar we were all saying , oh god when she jumps into the truck , how fabulous was that , it just makes you want to cheer ; and Boy thought again , well that is how life is , that is how I feel , that is how I feel when I 'm leaving the bar with my husband for the night , my husband-to-be , that 's just what I think when I 'm getting into his car , Goodbye Father , Goodbye .
8 To such critics it shows just how blinkered orthodox science is , and the rather arrogant refusal of most scientists even to take the phenomena seriously , waving them irritably aside , merely serves to reinforce their opponents ' criticisms .
9 He might have listened to complaints of how stifling an aunt could be when one wanted to wander around London alone , or how one got sick in Venice or Paris , but he could only touch an elbow with mock sympathy or pat a sea-sprayed hand .
10 How uncalled-for , ’ said Scarlet .
11 This model demonstrated how parental expectations , teachers ' expectations and the needs of the labour market for different kinds of workers all reinforced one another .
12 But Mr. Munby so treated them because , in his submission , section 8 conferred complete autonomy on such minors , thus enabling them effectively to refuse medical treatment irrespective of how parental responsibilities might be sought to be exercised .
13 There can be no way of knowing how Labour will fare in the province until it stands there .
14 Twenty years of criminal neglect ( 60p ) : How Labour has abdicated responsibility for Northern Ireland .
15 Representing Dagenham , in east London , Mr Gould is seen by some colleagues as well-placed to assess how Labour can broaden its appeal to the communities that have rejected it at four general elections in a row .
16 We have seen how Labour made its re-emergence as a governing force in 1964 on the basis of a need for sweeping ‘ modernisation ’ and planning , pulling together a support bloc spanning the left and managerial technocrats , and how the expectations raised in the early Wilson period were substantially frustrated .
17 We should like to know how Labour plans to raise that .
18 An apparatus that McMillan designed and built to show , with high-speed cinephotography , how normal and diseased heart valves move and the effects of surgery upon them , aided progress in valve surgery throughout the world .
19 In fact it is far from clear how normal was the solemn act of diffidatio .
20 She has shown just how normal are her feelings and even a member of the Royal Family must feel desperately sad and lonely without their kids on Christmas morning .
21 I realised then more than I have before , how normal she really is , with emotions and weaknesses like anyone else .
22 How normal is this ?
23 I 'd go around saying , ‘ Let's have a cup of tea , shall we ? ’ because I thought that 's how normal people behaved .
24 We wanted to see how normal Western approaches to anxiety problems might work when applied across cultures .
25 One interpretation was based on the fact that in each case memory appeared to be best for situations which accorded with the subjects ’ expectations about the junction , an attempt to test this was made by considering subjects ’ ratings for how normal the situation was .
26 Really what I 'm wanting you to tell me is how normal is that and
27 ‘ when I considered how striking a display such a life affords of the nature of true religion — of the power of divine grace — of the mysterious but all-wise course of Divine Providence — and of the encouragement afforded for our dependance upon that Providence in the most trying circumstances … ‘
28 I could see , again , how striking she must once have been , when her primly drawn-back grey hair had presumably matched her eyes , ‘ with all that 's fair of black and bright ’ .
29 Boswell amplifies in a way which casts a slightly different glow on the affair : he comments on how striking it was to hear all the aldermen of Aberdeen drinking Johnson's-health with much exclamation of the great man 's name .
30 Recent topics have included updates on how European countries are handling the environmental labelling issue and proposals for a comprehensive EC labelling system .
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