Example sentences of "then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He practised the phrase a few times and then stuffed the book back in the outside pocket of his jacket .
2 ‘ After Anthony caught the cod he returned to the car park because his car was blocking somebody in , ’ explained a colleague at Sizewell B. ‘ One of his mates then stuffed the watch down the cod 's throat with a stick — I can imagine Anthony 's surprise when he started to fillet the fish back home .
3 The man did n't need telling twice , and as the boy began to follow him , Connor suddenly remembered : at some time during the evening , when the saloon till ran short of change , he had put in some silver of his own and taken out a fiver — then stuffed it in a pewter tankard on the shelf for safekeeping .
4 The mail was uniformly trivial , but he read it all and then stuffed the torn envelopes and their contents into his pockets for disposal elsewhere .
5 I put the papers in the folder and the folder in my bag , then stuffed that under my seat .
6 Check for fit , then stain at this stage , or paint .
7 First soak in 5 M HCl for 55 min at 26-C , then wash in double-distilled water for 5 min and then stain in freshly prepared and filtered Schiff 's reagent for 2 h in the dark .
8 He begins with the mind as ‘ white paper ’ ( following Locke ) , describes ‘ external sensible objects ’ , then records — as , for example , in the ‘ sense of unknown modes of being ’ after the boat-stealing incident — what he felt at the time , and then adds a later ‘ reflection ’ or meditation upon the event from the point of view of the author writing in 1798–1805 .
9 Luke then records a story about Jesus visiting the capital city for the feast of Passover at the age of twelve .
10 His gob of saliva dribbled down then clung , warping the image of the turtle head as though the corresponding section of the enemy Titan was bubbling , rheum leaking from its right eye .
11 Her hands fluttered at his upper arms and then clung , her fingers digging desperately into the material of his jacket sleeves to prevent herself sagging and falling .
12 These are then traced on a touch-sensitive drawing board to make digital data signals which are dumped in the computer memory .
13 for established products , success may depend on winning a key customer , whose decision to buy will then influence other purchasers .
14 For rather than research coming up with unequivocal findings which can then influence and be integrated in a professional and neutral way into policy and practice I will try to demonstrate how political interests and values , in all their guises , influence and pervade the relationship in a variety of ways .
15 This would be mediated via cytoskeletal proteins which may then influence nuclear and cytoplasmic events by as yet undetermined mechanisms such as changes in nuclear and cytoplasmic pores or direct interaction with nuclear matrix .
16 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
17 So assume the councils ' needs stay at £40 billion ; it is hard then to see any single tax footing such a large bill .
18 It was a depressing experience to walk along the rows of these giant steel structures coming off the production line and then to see , at the end of the row , the one earmarked for Somerset .
19 That just blew me away , and then to see the pictures published in the papers ‘ Do you know this person ?
20 Clearly , then , the primary need when dealing with the information issue is to establish clearly what various staff need to do their jobs and then to see how to provide this more limited selection of information in a form that is easily available and accessible .
21 It was a common sight then to see several boys , myself included , stand at the pavement 's edge , take out our little ‘ Willies ’ — raise them on high for elevation , and suddenly direct the streams of urine on to the watching , gaping girls .
22 What an effort , and then to see it wasted .
23 And we do n't even have to wait ‘ til then to see them .
24 Yeah , and then to see .
25 Next is a visit to the miniature village of Madurodam and then to see the picturesque harbour at Scheveningen .
26 In this situation , it is possible to try to group the postholes with similar characteristics , such as depth , diameter , and so on , and then to see if patterns of similar postholes reveal likely structures , such as circular or rectangular buildings .
27 May I call before then to see how Mrs Gillingham is ? ’
28 Is it then to see the world filled with drooping , superannuated , half-starved , helpless and unhelped animals , that you would alter the present system of pursuit and prey ?
29 Would it be far-fetched then to see Susan , if she were at home ringing up the Gay Byrne Radio Show to tell him what she saw ?
30 What I 'll do is I 'll try another straw poll at the end of the seven lectures and see how we feel then to see if we 've erm we 've shifted , so I think there it was about , I 'm guessing , sixty five thirty five in favour of Maastricht .
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