Example sentences of "about school " in BNC.

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1 Do n't talk about schools and health , the centre says , those issues belong to Labour .
2 Published information about schools and colleges will recognise achievement on the basis of ‘ education value added ’ — progress made by pupils — rather than crude ‘ league tables ’ of results .
3 No-one had told him about schools or explained their purpose .
4 Let ministers of local churches have copies as a good exercise in public relations and also just in case they have new members of their flock inquiring about schools in the area .
5 There is a dilemma about schools taking on fund raising responsibilities .
6 Parents that move into a new area will often ask estate agents about schools in the neighbourhood .
7 Second and equally important , for there is no ‘ first ’ and ‘ second ’ class research , is that body of information about schools — you might call it a ‘ professional inventory ’ , which is as important to a curriculum planner as statistics are to a ministry planning officer .
8 She had recently spent a lot of time finding out information about schools and playgroups , then her husband had completely overridden any opinion she had started to form .
9 Documents from the Schools Council , The Tyndale Scandal , Callaghan 's Ruskin speech , the questions posed by academics like Peters , Dearden , Hirst and Bennett , public anxiety about schools and calls for the accountability of teachers demanded action .
10 Funny enough there 's a course just coming downstairs about schools .
11 About schools , no doubt , they know something-perhaps they have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for in the structure , the physical fabric .
12 The National Association of Head Teachers said : ’ There is undoubtedly a need to improve the regularity of formal school inspections , as well as a strong case for the provision of detailed information about schools to parents . ’
13 Project 1 explores the origins and emergence of the legislation ; Project 2 examines the implementation of the legislation by three education authorities , focusing on the formulation of guidelines , the establishment of appeal committees and the provision of information about schools ; Project 3 comprises a survey of parents designed to elicit why some parents choose particular schools for their children and others not ; Project 4 is a study of appeals which seeks to explain why some disappointed parents use the appeal procedures and others do not and how decisions are made by the appeal committees ; while Project 5 attempts to identify the characteristics of ‘ popular ’ and ‘ unpopular ’ schools .
14 Thus in general , Solihull secondary teachers believe that staff would be more honest if names were kept off the response sheets ; that the scheme focuses on weaknesses rather than strengths and that generalizing about schools as a whole is difficult .
15 When a commentary on Michael Rutter 's Fifteen Thousand Hours was formulated by Tizard and others ( 1980 ) it acknowledged in the first place that in the report an impressive base of data supported " an architecture in which many common sense perceptions about schools were co-ordinated " ( Tizard et al.
16 I guess they 'll want to know about schools , qualifications etc but is there a particular order in which these should be presented ? ?
17 Much of what is currently discussed in the media about schools and education in general is based on misinformation and ignorance .
18 Let's talk about schools .
19 For him , education comes first , but he welcomes the new atmosphere of access to information about schools which means that Glenlola 's achievements are public knowledge .
20 The Scottish Office proposals to publish the information as part of a policy to tell parents more about schools are at best valueless and at worst dangerous , the committee says .
21 This series is really about schools , but I think I ought to close by giving you and opportunity of saying something about universities if you want to .
22 In fact there was a , I think some of the recent erm concerns about schools have come from an image that 's been built up over a period of time that the schools spend very little time on the , on the three Rs for example .
23 But so far we have n't said much about schools as organisations .
24 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
25 Choppy 's comments about schools in urban areas is quite interesting , because the first one was actually in Lincolnshire , which in no terms could be regarded as an urban area , and quickly looking down the list — and there are actually about sixty throughout the country — an awful lot of them have been in rural heartlands like Oxfordshire .
27 But Mick Gowar 's funny , touching poems So Far So Good ( Penguin Plus , £1.99 ) , about school and work , families and first love , get right to the real heart of a teenager 's life .
28 ‘ What about school ? ’
29 He was thinking about school dinners and salty cabbage when he heard her other voice , her harsh , cold , angry voice , screeching from the hallway downstairs .
30 There are a great number of myths that constantly need to be laid about school dinners .
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