Example sentences of "into [be] " in BNC.

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1 And the worst possible hands she could fall into are yours ! ’
2 Common load resistances that attenuators are designed to operate into are 600Ο , 75Ο and 50Ο .
3 Well , will , put it , put it into be washed tonight and then you can use it if you like .
4 His gloom was reinforced because the Lebanese embassy had just refused him a visa and the only two countries he thought he could get into were Jordan and Romania , neither of which were likely to offer him employment .
5 I expect the conditions in some of the houses you went into were , were er pretty poor .
6 Some crates were as big as vacation cottages , because a hierarchy of crate status had suddenly come into being .
7 Why this need to nudge the world into being other than it is ? he wrote .
8 Although ‘ English ’ does have connections with the genuine disciplines of history and philosophy it came into being for cultural rather than disciplinary reasons .
9 If , as I 'm inclined to believe , this unwonted willingness to kiss the rod represents one last offer by Pound ( at this time , aged forty-eight ! ) to enrol in Binyon 's seminar if Binyon would only call it into being , Binyon once again knew better than to understand what Pound was driving at .
10 A more important point is that passages of this sort , spliced as they are with images like the lizard from the immediate foreground of Pound 's tent inside the wire-mesh cage of the prison camp , do not come into being out of the free associations of idle reverie , though in these Pisan cantos Pound exploits the illusion of that , as Joyce did in Ulysses when he pretended to transport himself and us into the mind of Leopold Bloom .
11 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
12 Northern Ireland came into being , but only after the Protestants had decided to give three of the counties of historic Ulster to the new Irish Free State .
13 As head of its armed forces , General Noriega rules a country which was itself brought into being by the United States .
14 Latent demand will then come into being , which can be exploited by a suitable product and marketing mix to turn into actual demand .
15 A legally elected Zimbabwean state now came into being .
16 ‘ There is no higher glory of a Christian empire than that which was here brought into being by a death in a desert . ’
17 It was a perfect passing away for both of them , and at the same time the most intolerable accession into being , the marvellous fullness of immediate gratification , overwhelming , outflooding from the source of the deepest life-force , the darkest , deepest , strangest life-source of the human body , at the back and base of the loins .
18 I find it very depressing because it takes me away from the constructive side of the business and into being a sort of financial PR and being defensive .
19 Because of this , Marx took as one of his main tasks the understanding of how this system came into being , and this was in order to discover why this system had such power of the minds of those who operated it , whether exploiters or exploited .
20 Which is how the type 56 , the car with the upswept stack-pipes came into being .
21 This responsiveness of the specialist press to popular tastes remained extremely important throughout the nineteenth century as modern organized sports came into being .
22 Some may have visited the other side , but most have stayed at home living with political , economic and cultural systems that have very little in common except the original reason that they came into being — the biggest war the world had yet seen .
23 The international order the British presided over had no proper place for Germany , but that which the United States brought into being after 1945 has given the Federal Republic a privileged if somewhat constrained position .
24 The international order the British presided over had no proper place for Germany , but that which the United States brought into being after 1945 has given the Federal Republic a privileged if somewhat constrained position .
25 But this does not mean accepting whatever kind of Greater Germany may come into being .
26 That road came into being after the end of the Vietnam war in 1975 .
27 That road came into being after the end of the Vietnam war in 1975 .
28 So far the TUC has begun a series of training seminars with Solidarity aimed at pushing it away from being a political and highly regionalised organisation into being an industrial and truly national one .
29 The Treaty of Rome had been signed without her in March 1957 ; the EEC had come into being in January 1958 ; and de Gaulle had been recalled to power in France to solve the Algerian crisis in June that year .
30 After a year of arguments , a new corporate watchdog , the Australian Securities Commission , came into being .
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