Example sentences of "who have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The population in general is very well educated about AIDS , ’ says Anthony Kasozi , ‘ thanks to the commitment of the Ugandan Government who have done well in raising awareness .
2 HIV spreads between people who have sexual intercourse together , or who share needles when injecting drugs , or from mother to unborn child .
3 The stigma still associated with AIDS means that often those who have the disease are isolated .
4 Police officers who have taken statements from detainees will also be exempted from being questioned in court unless they agree to do so , making it difficult for detainees to challenge the validity of any confessions made under torture .
5 All those who have written to the prisoners will be pleased to know that Henrick Gjoka from Albania , Reverend Lawford Imunde from Kenya and Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez from Cuba have been released .
6 Please continue to write until all the prisoners of conscience in the series are free , or until there have been satisfactory investigations into those who have ‘ disappeared ’ .
7 Among the hundreds of those held without charge or trial in Syria are the following who have appeared in the Letter Writing Campaign : Hakem Sultan al-Faiz , a 61-year-old Jordanian national and former member of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'th Party , who has been held for almost 20 years ; Ahmad ‘ Abd al-Rau'uf Roummou , a 55-year-old teacher , arrested in 1975 ; Muhammad Nabil Salem , an engineer , arrested in the wake of a one-day national strike in 1980 and Mahmud Jalbut , a Palestinian arrested in 1980 .
8 However even when frontiers are closed fast to Amnesty , information still gets out — via refugees or victims who have fled in fear , ‘ friendly ’ foreigners or nationals inside the country , church , trade union and human rights organizations , journalists or travellers , or from letters smuggled across the border .
9 The old woman 's son was one of the many prisoners who have subsequently died in the prison .
10 Salim can be designated a Kenya Asian : the name we give to those hard-working aliens who have been driven out of African countries , and who include the shopkeepers and merchants expropriated in Uganda by Amin .
11 These are books by middle-aged semi-Scots who have chosen to publish accounts of their early lives which lay stress on the troubles they experienced , on the troubles inflicted , within their respective environments , by poverty and servitude , and on the responsibility of relatives for some of what the writers had to suffer .
12 They are writers who have parted company , but who are in some ways at one .
13 SUICIDE was thought damnable in the Middle Ages , and I expect there are those who have been brought to feel by a book called The Monument that the Middle Ages had a point .
14 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
15 As you read you will probably be aware of a character 's potential as a role for the actor — particularly with those who have already an established place in theatrical tradition ( Dickens is full of such characters ) .
16 Some schools offer a two-year course for students who have more experience , particularly those from overseas .
17 The object of this rather clumsy piece of administration is to place some check on the expenditure of local money on the arts — and also to provide a further checkpoint on students who have already received educational grants for other careers .
18 Yet students who have completed expensive training face the same difficulties as an untrained actor in qualifying for an Equity card .
19 Therefore the pieces that have been put together in the following pages as possible audition selections are from writers who have gained , or are now gaining , a major place in contemporary theatre .
20 Radio acting makes specific technical demands on an actor , and classes are usually held by professional tutors who have a wide experience of radio drama and its production .
21 Different generations are well represented here , from the newest professional at the beginning of her career to two who have been in the business for the last forty years .
22 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
23 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
24 Even Ian Paisley 's free presbyterians , who have communities in County Cavan and Dublin , are centrally organized , though this may reflect the practical situation in Ireland and the role of the ‘ big man ’ himself within the church he founded .
25 It is adhered to by increasing numbers who have become disillusioned with British identity and have seen Paisley 's words about the traitorous nature of British governments become reality as protestant — loyalist domination in Ulster has been continuously eroded .
26 Since the new constitution was enacted in 1937 , the prohibition on divorce has become so strict that couples who have been granted a nullity decree by Roman catholic canonical tribunals have found that they may still not be recognized as single by the state , and are thus unable to remarry in the Republic .
27 It is likely that this is caused not by having less religious education , but by the fact that they tend to be peopled by children of classes who have traditionally fewer links with the church , and include parents making active decisions to keep their children out of the clergy 's grasp .
28 Goldberg in Guardian today , major new work , still to be unveiled , but those who have seen it , etc .
29 But that has n't happened to our European competitors , who have more bank holidays than the British .
30 ‘ It would not be fair on those people who have already bought the correct equipment .
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