Example sentences of "so but " in BNC.

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1 Just as soon as it is safe to do so but not before .
2 Nik Cohn , the writer , described him as , ‘ an amiable fatman from Catford , a bit of a slag and conspicuously so but shrewd , funny and hard to dislike . ’
3 ‘ Forgive me for saying so but in East Prussia — Poland , I should say ! — we had our pick of game .
4 As she looked again at the faces of her family she was ready to burst into tears and almost did so but Erika , moving lightly into the kitchen , said : ‘ Fräulein Silber thinks that I should stay with her next week . ’
5 This ritual was practised until the last decade or so but has apparently now ceased , which is perhaps in the best interests of the dolphins .
6 Cadbury 's financial support continued to his death as did his two stipulations : the movement should avoid politics if possible ( it was not possible ) and it should try to create Free Church parishes to end ‘ overlapping ’ between denominations ( it did so but to little effect ) .
7 Also offering advice if we felt qualified to do so but referring to the relevant health services or back to her if not .
8 Harsh words and animosity persisted for a year or so but by 1851 there was a thaw in relations between the London school and the Royal College .
9 This may be so but , once one developer has been let in , the decision could open the floodgate for scores of unsuitable , unnecessary applications .
10 When , in this situation , the person defamed sought to issue a writ , and the Member concerned asked the House of Commons to treat the matter as a breach of privilege , the Committee of Privileges recommended that it do so but the House , by a small majority , rejected this recommendation .
11 And then I thought I would write and suggest that she should suggest herself to tea one day and not only did she have the effrontery to do so but she brought her husband .
12 It is tempting to lop off a discreet year or so but be careful with other dates ; will they believe you took your degree at 15 ?
13 ‘ And if he is not prepared to fight , then he should say so but there is no point in lying to the people around him saying he can do the job if he really believes he ca n't . ’
14 Nor have I come upon any factor to prove the truth of another assumption which may be made : to wit , that Subject A was the mother of Subject B. Experience and probability point to this being so but that is all .
15 He did so but could not get it to work . ’
16 They did so but not before their counterparts in Tianjin to the south east of Beijing had their turn .
17 The wild fish grows to 20cm or so but the aquarium-kept specimen is unlikely to reach 15cm .
18 Companies are under no obligation to do so but , for those people lucky enough to work for an organisation willing to amend its pension scheme rules accordingly , this new provision could make an immense difference to the financial position of early retirees .
19 Oswald , carrying Goneril 's letter , and with the added instructions to kill Gloucester should he find him , tried to do so but was killed by Edgar , who discovered their secret plans to kill Albany ( King Lear , IV.vi.227–80 ) .
20 The war did not prove particularly popular with the English nobility , who served when called upon to do so but gained little from it .
21 He did not do so but remained on the southern taxiway , embarked his passengers with the engine running and then executed a wide left turn through 180° to face west back down the taxiway .
22 It took him a considerable time to do so but he succeeded and left a deep mark on Korea only equalled or exceeded by his arch-rival , Kim Il Sung in north Korea .
23 The steward of a lordship or the master of the royal game might guard the Crown 's interests as a landlord — or put in a deputy to do so but he was not concerned with the collection of taxes , the maintenance of order , and the execution of justice .
24 It is not easy to understand why it should have been so but France south of the Loire was undoubtedly the seedbed of the whole " courtly love " movement .
25 My instinct is to believe that those who defend the autonomy of their particular " level " are right to do so but I also think that our present state of knowledge is insufficient to permit us to understand satisfactorily how this level autonomy comes about .
26 I do n't think so but .
27 I 've asked him about that and what he said is that er , he was saving up and he was going tax the vehicle as soon he was able to do so but he did n't have the funds and er , to do so at , at that time .
28 I mean you 'll have to come and see me about that because it 's fairly confidential so but they are very very good .
29 Yeah but the Open University ones cover all of the material and they 're what I actually wrote the lectures from erm but there 's six of them which is why the o the only advantage of the other one is that it 's one not six and so but I mean the material is all covered text of which there are three copies of most of them in the library one on short loan and one on sort of a general loan so you
30 So it 's pretty , it 's pretty er er and in fact some of these , these flocks who were grazing at the er w where just above that er that limit only just but just slightly above it so , so but in fact i if the farmers er grazed their sheep er further down the hillside er then in fact the , the er er the level dropped very rapidly and the sheep were then erm so it was a , a commercial decision as to whether to keep your sheep up on the hills to , to eat radioactive grass and get the compensation or to graze your sheep further down and actually the , the lamb the , the , the lambs for , for , for for the market .
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