Example sentences of "as each " in BNC.

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1 As each day passes , he appears to be thrown further back on his own heels .
2 Within four or five minutes , yet seeming like an eternity , the line begins to peel off the open spool , slowly at first but beginning to pick up momentum as each second passes .
3 The high number of ichneumonid species , none of them common , may result from the patchiness of the garden habitat , as each exploits a different niche .
4 Regional spice monopolies were bitterly fought for , claimed and lost again by Portuguese , Spanish , Dutch , French and English adventurers , who spilled as much of the locals ' blood as each other 's in the process .
5 To some extent , these sectoral preferences are related to ethno-religious lines of demarcation ( Boal and Poole 1976 ) ; certainly it is reasonable to view inner-city communities east and west of the river as each having a higher-status ethnic counterpart .
6 It is generally better than the flat plate as each battery or pod terminal mates with its own individual spring .
7 Ruach and nephesh can be thought of as each having their own circle of meaning .
8 New World wines are winning more and more fans as each year passes .
9 The two are superficially rather different from one another , but they are united under the headings of ‘ coevolution ’ and ‘ genes as each others ’ environments ' .
10 It should also throw up interesting data on regional differences and preferences as each area , including Scotland , will also be surveyed as a distinct entity .
11 As each slice of anti-trade union legislation has gone onto the statute book we 've become less able to effectively represent our membership .
12 As you will no doubt have already discovered , this decision is not made easier as each university attempts to lure you through its portals with its glossy prospectus .
13 Repeat the operation as each of the DCs associated user .
14 Gareth and Jonathan had 10 As each which had their headmaster Michael Ridley purring with delight .
15 My daughters introduced me to JS as each started at Hemel Hempstead branch on leaving school .
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