Example sentences of "as those " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , other cultures , such as those of Africa , have had to wait until even more recent times for recognition .
2 The nexus appears to have been made for a sufficient number of the laity , as those who eventually voted in the referendum voted in favour of inscribing an appropriate anti-abortion clause in the constitution .
3 The company believes future growth for pasta will come from mid-market , non-specialist outlets , such as those in the travel and pub sectors .
4 Others use optical detectors , which seem to respond more quickly to smoke from smouldering fires such as those involving upholstered furniture .
5 For a few women , such as those who have had repeated miscarriages , intercourse may have to be limited .
6 Anyone who believes that Mr Chatrier 's remarks can be dismissed either as those of someone who has lost touch with reality , are also way off the mark .
7 It has been able to shed its loss-making operations without the need for lengthy legal procedures such as those which normally accompany the proposal to close a branch passenger service .
8 More specialised terminals , such as those handling chemicals or coal , have thrived in relation to the industry they serve , though the tendency has been to close lesser used depots whenever investment in new track or pointwork has become necessary .
9 Research projects presided over by professor Alan Rogers include the identification of large molecules , such as those of interest in medical tests , the production of fibre lasers , and the design of distributed measuring systems .
10 Many of the spaces he created , such as those in the Mall or Waterloo Place , are distinctly dismal and void .
11 It is views such as those expressed in the article which are the foundations of all forms of apartheid .
12 In countries where deposits above a certain amount have to be authorised , such as those over $10,000 ( £6,250 ) in the United States , this entails a team of flunkeys making numerous lower deposits which are then switched around at will .
13 It said viruses or chemical substances , such as those found in tobacco smoke , can disrupt this growth-control mechanism .
14 It is difficult to sustain untruths and false masks over twelve months of contact in the field , particularly when this contact involves sharing private moments with respondents , such as those provided in the canteen or during the quiet hours of the might shift , tiding in the back of a vehicle or on security duty in the sanger ( guardpost ) .
15 On any day towards the end of the campaign , those who had been very interested in politics just before the campaign opened were one and a half times as likely to read a paper , and twice as likely to watch both BBC-TV and ITV news , as those with no interest in politics ( Chapter 3 ) .
16 The cell failed to send anyone to take part in the few educational courses available , such as those arranged by the agricultural station .
17 She furnished Eliot with the title and central concept of his poem , but was otherwise more important for summarizing and reminding him of other people 's ideas , such as those of E. K. Chambers speaking of literary forms encompassing ‘ fragments of forgotten cults ’ .
18 Just as he maintained an interest in psychological theories of childhood , such as those of Iovetz-Tereshchenko , so he continued to take an interest in some of the anthropological material which came his way .
19 Demant 's ‘ Christian Sociology ’ was important not just in itself ; it threw up names from Eliot 's past , such as those of Maine and Durkheim , which maintained the importance of such figures within an explicitly Christian context .
20 Thus in integrated rural development projects , such as those financed by the World Bank in many Nigerian states in the 1970s , fertiliser ear-marked for cash crops was frequently spread on food crops .
21 These histories , it was believed , could be constructed by looking at the available information on primitive peoples , past and present , whether from archaeological remains , from classical accounts of early institutions , such as those given by Tacitus concerning the German tribes of Roman times , or early Greece and Rome themselves , or , most importantly , from the reports of travellers , explorers , colonists and missionaries , describing contemporary primitives .
22 The starting point of this philosophical discussion is a rejection of the theories , such as those of Hegel and the young Hegelians , which saw ideas and institutions as the source of history , as though these existed apart from the natural processes of human production and reproduction .
23 We shall return to this largely negative and vague theoretical attitude on the part of modern Western anthropologists , but it is accompanied by much more definite and often more valuable criticism of earlier schemes , such as those used by Marx and Engels .
24 By the eighteenth century there was a considerable parting of the ways since the more erudite mathematical treatises on perspective , such as those by Lambert and Monge , were of no use to the practising artist .
25 If you do , you find yourself faced with unedifying alternatives such as those which Lewis proposes .
26 It sells businesses it does not think it will be good at , such as those in high-technology , volatile markets .
27 The IAEA scientists found that some medical equipment , and certain techniques of medical examination ( such as those used to test for thyroid problems ) , were unfamiliar to Soviet doctors , and tended to produce different results depending on who used them .
28 His time was often spent , he said , looking at maps in the local bookshops , following voyages of exploration such as those of Francis Drake .
29 According to ‘ realist ’ theories , such as those of Plato and Aristotle , besides the particular things we perceive , there are ‘ universals ’ which are essentially general .
30 The rights and duties of the leasehold tenant are , as a rule , explicitly provided for by the terms of the lease , which will contain covenants such as those relating to payment of rent , repair , cultivation , and building , or forbidding the carrying on of certain trades .
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