Example sentences of "if in " in BNC.

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1 Once more he raised his arm involuntarily , as if in greeting . ’
2 There can be no question that the bishops are not in any way aware of this arrogation , as it is mediated in consciousness by their belief in , and conceptualization of , a static natural law which is accessible , even if with difficulty , to the conscience of everyman ; which same natural law no one should be allowed to violate , even if in error , when that law , if broken , is seen to threaten the very moral fabric of society .
3 I sometimes think , he wrote , that if in one sense I am back in the nursery trying to make a big toy with nothing but wood and string , in another I am back in the classroom fiddling with bunsen burners while Mr Alexander walks round sniffing with his long distinguished nose in the air .
4 THERE 'S a saying in the computer industry : ‘ If in doubt , press a few keys ; if that does n't work , ask a colleague ; if in deep trouble , consult the manual . ’
5 THERE 'S a saying in the computer industry : ‘ If in doubt , press a few keys ; if that does n't work , ask a colleague ; if in deep trouble , consult the manual . ’
6 He had made no attempt to pursue the fleeing secretary and was sitting as if in a trance staring somewhere between the chairs occupied by the new Lord Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan .
7 Maxine Venables held her hands clasped before her as if in supplication .
8 If in doubt , get help , and do n't rig until enough help is available .
9 In other words , if in doubt , do n't take a chance .
10 Always be ready to release during the take-off run and if in doubt , abandon the take-off .
11 It should never be undertaken if in any doubt .
12 b ) If in any doubt , seek the advice of a senior officer of the rank of Superintendent or above .
13 One of the most beautiful uses of pas de bourrée courus is when Ashton places his danseuse in her partner 's arms as she floats over the surface of the floor as if in a dream like ecstasy .
14 Nor can it be compared with the ballerina 's dance in Rhapsodie where she wafts to and fro as if in a dream before breaking into her solo .
15 Finding the point is not easy , and the gully walls are vertical elsewhere , so if in doubt continue up and back to the source of the gullies .
16 If in any doubt , consult an electrician .
17 If in doubt , ask your insurance agent — and read your policy before disaster strikes .
18 This ascetic , strong-willed young man , dominating yet dull-toned in personality to the point of satanic flatness , captured as if in his own despite the imagination of the day .
19 Still not satisfied with the delicious idea of a soldier taking the doubtful reading matter away in a wheelbarrow , Dostoevsky adds , in Stepan 's reportage , ‘ and covered it with an apron ; oui , c'est cela , an apron ’ — as if in the eyes of Stepan there was something specially affronting or sinister , anyhow notable , about the apron .
20 At any rate , in this way if in no other , the English ideal of the artist as amateur has a continuing validity — and one that it behoves us , as Poundians , to acknowledge more often than we do .
21 Tate , an ambitious poet whose few irreplaceable poems were yet to come , was by 1927 in animated correspondence with two poets , Yvor Winters ( 1900–1968 ) and Hart Crane ( 1899-1932 ) , who were at one , if in little else , in their certainty that Eliot 's fame and Eliot 's precedent were bad news for American poetry .
22 If in Cosi it is the women who are put upon , then in L'Italiana in Algeri it is the eponymous heroine who wears the trousers — or so , at least , it ought to be .
23 In that sense , if in no other , I have felt these past weeks rather like a dentist .
24 as if in reminder , the new All Blacks have arrived this week , and for the North the contrast between 1979 and 1989 could hardly be greater .
25 If in Murder in the Cathedral he had chosen a particular martyrdom which functioned as a bloody , savage ritual , then in the plays which followed , connections with primitive ritual would be clearer — if anything , as Eliot later feared when thinking of The Family Reunion , too clear , the primitive outline getting in the way of the Christian story .
26 as if in a slow motion sequence from a Peckinpah film I see the torpedoes escape from the box , turn head over tail as they rise , reach their zenith , and begin falling again , towards the heads and shoulders of the youths in front .
27 Sheila and Mona were writing at side tables ; Michael was kneeling at the big armchair , a book between his elbows , as if in prayer , a position he sometimes used for studying .
28 Whether it was the suggestion or pure tiredness Maggie was yawning as if in her support .
29 If in a particular language a woman referred to a large number of men other than her husband by the same term as the one she used for her husband , this implied , for Morgan and Engels , that in an earlier stage of this system , a woman would have been wife to all of these men .
30 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
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