Example sentences of "recognised [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Had my Pop passed me in the street , he would n't have recognised me .
2 ‘ He 'd have recognised me now , of course .
3 And since he obviously had n't recognised me , I did n't want to connect myself with the house , until I 'd found out what his game was . ’
4 Actually I 've been doing a few things this year when no one has recognised me and nobody knew .
5 She has n't recognised my voice .
6 ‘ I should also have recognised I was being unrealistic and I think I did , ’ Vitor went on .
7 But the corporation is ‘ delighted ’ that the government has recognised its claim for an extra VHF network for Radio I , which since 1967 has largely been confined to the medium wave band .
8 As for the term ‘ addictive ’ , by some oversight the full OED has never recognised its existence at all .
9 Minton must have recognised its truth for he bequeathed it in his will to the Royal College of Art where it hangs as a memorial to him .
10 Does the Minister understand that France , one of the countries that originally supplied the nuclear material to Iraq , has recognised its moral responsibility for dealing with this problem , but that the Soviet Union , which was also responsible for it , has refused to accept its responsibility ?
11 Two divers had gone down into the river during the morning , but had found no item of relevance ; and perhaps would not have recognised its relevance had they found it .
12 Carmella would hardly have recognised her house now .
13 From this distance , and her being among the other women , the child had not recognised her mother , but when the sentence was passed , ‘ One pound or one month ’ , and the woman turned about and the child saw her face , a cry escaped her , and she was about to spring forward when Aggie pulled her tight against her leg and , bending down , hissed at her , ‘ Quiet !
14 Quite apart from the fact that no one in their right mind would nickname that woman ‘ Sexy ’ , I would have recognised her voice .
15 If you remember , when you met Lexy she was going down with flu — her best friend would n't have recognised her voice .
16 She had not recognised her hero because she had seen him as he really was .
17 She just hoped he had n't recognised her start for the violent sexual reaction it had been — a totally ridiculous reaction , she told herself , since she was n't in the least attracted to Fenton Marshall .
18 The Church has not always recognised their rights to spiritual growth nor the contribution that they can make to building up the body of Christ .
19 Indeed , some of the doctors have recognised their value to the extend that they have created problems of rejection by fellow nursing colleagues .
20 Having recognised their limitations , can the Japanese overcome them with the skills to be learned from the FSX and the YS-X ?
21 Over the onshore area — 2000 m of inversion is recognised which is in accord with the independent estimate of 2000 m of missing section given by Barnard and Cooper based on a study of vitrinite reflectance data from Jurassic rocks in the area .
22 A number of distinctive functions can be recognised which certain places carried out instead of or in addition to the ubiquitous farming activities .
23 ‘ I would never have recognised you . ’
24 I would never have recognised you , ’ he spluttered , ‘ America must have agreed with you . ’
25 He imagined for a moment that he was still in short pants , until she turned to him and added , ‘ What I mean is , I would have still recognised you , ’ and as if to soften her first statement she added further , ‘ Of course , you 've grown much taller .
26 The Clow Committee had recognised there would be practical problems : the quarterly cycle of meter reading would make it difficult to concentrate the higher charge on the crucial months of December , January and February when demand was highest ; in really cold weather or if coal remained in short supply it would have only limited deterrent effect ; and off-peak demand might be adversely affected .
27 And increasingly complaints from businesses , complaints about unfair competition , erm the second point is that the , the report has been sent to vote upon now , but also to a number of er business and consumer organisations in the county a range of views is being expressed in response , as you 'd expect , but in general terms most recognised there are particular trading , trend and pattern which needs to be addressed erm but most have all especially with the er display of this same as registration some form of registration must on the national basis would be erm a , a solution to this support .
28 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
29 She was so much like Elizabeth in appearance , but he should have recognised her .
30 Meredith thought , he 's recognised her !
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