Example sentences of "stand for " in BNC.

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1 Depending on its strength and the time required for it to reach maturity , a beer must stand for 12 to 48 hours before it can be drunk .
2 ’ . Again Douglas ( 1966 : 138 ) has suggested there is a liaison which exists between the physical body and its use as an expression of the social , so that one becomes a paradigm for the other : ‘ the [ human ] body is a model which can stand for any bounded system …
3 Providing his French colleagues agree , which is akin to the BBC agreeing to retain Dan Maskell , he will stand for another four year term as President of the French Federation , which will take him through to early 1997 .
4 The Labour Party Conference : Scargill may stand for Barnsley seat
5 By the end of this week we shall know what the Labour Party no longer stands for , such as unilateral nuclear disarmament and full-scale nationalisation ; but what , in essence , does it stand for ?
6 He wanted them to gather last Friday and be absented from their weekend round of Championship matches , but even Albert Ferrasse , the autocratic French Federation president , would not stand for that .
7 The project proved impolitic : the public would not stand for it , so the Government discarded or diluted ideology to avoid unpopularity .
8 powerful local managers may not stand for centralised decision making .
9 David Coleman has unwittingly given his name to this tradition of sporting gaffe published mercilessly in Private Eye , of which Murray Walker 's ‘ this car is absolutely unique , except for the one behind , which is identical ’ must stand for the many .
10 ‘ If you 're looking for something really new , like pen-based computers or multi-media , Compaq does n't stand for that , ’ says Stewart Alsop , editor of PC Letter , a trade journal .
11 Never , say the sceptics : the man does not stand for anything .
12 The idea of a particular line can be ‘ made to represent or stand for all other particular lines of the same sort ’ .
13 Since numerals do not stand for ‘ numbers in abstract ’ but for ‘ particular things numbered ’ , the misguided interest in the properties of such abstractions has really been a trifling concern with mere language or formalism .
14 It was the first time two West Indian batsmen had made a century stand for the sixth wicket in each innings of a Test and it took the game right away from England ; when the last wicket fell , Logie was left unbeaten on 95 , the score was 397 , and England had to survive for the best part of two days .
15 ‘ Overseas Governments and local nationals just wo n't stand for it , particularly when they get to know what 's going on .
16 He would n't stand for ever doing nothing .
17 ‘ What does it stand for ?
18 In Europe , said Mr Smith , Labour must stand for a positive partnership and active participation in the Community as the best means to secure the most benefit for Britain .
19 ‘ What Does Hinkley ‘ C ’ Stand For ? ’ one handout asked .
20 The speed at which McCarthy gathered support stunned America and had the campuses screaming with delight , especially when , on 31 March , their arch-enemy Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not stand for re-election .
21 In the post-war period and until the 1970s the content of Marshall 's citizenship — which has been called a ‘ citizenship of entitlement ’ — expanded in various ways : the political element in the form of the right to vote and stand for election grew to include participation in the political process through a proliferation of pressure groups ; the civil element was enhanced through anti-discrimination legislation , and the UK 's signature of the European Convention on Human Rights .
22 John Hume , addressing the protesters , stressed that ‘ we are a peaceful and dignified people , but … we are a determined people and we will stand for these social , economic and political injustices no longer ’ .
23 And I think his comment should stand for what it is .
24 I know one who would n't stand for it ; she 'd walk out .
25 They wo n't stand for it . ’
26 ‘ Burke Trend would never stand for that , it would undermine his power ’ , said Dick .
27 He could stand for a second four-year term .
28 ‘ I would n't stand for it If I were you , ’ Peggy was saying indignantly .
29 In which year did Enoch Powell stand for the leadership of the Conservative Party ?
30 ( vi ) Bankrupts — an undischarged bankrupt can not stand for Parliament .
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