Example sentences of "hold to " in BNC.

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1 But there 's one thing I 'll hold to , I 'll have my own bed tomorrow night and you make your own arrangements for next door .
2 So strongly does Lord Lane hold to his principles that he is prepared to face imprisonment in upholding them .
3 Even though it must have been obvious that he would not hold to it at the last , the threat was enough to make Stormy Petrel veer again to her original course , and though she was trying to increase speed , and was perhaps a little more powerful than Sea Otter , we , on our straight line , could hold her comfortably .
4 Conservatives thus hold what must appear , to those who do not hold to a conservative position , to be a distorted conception of what he was about .
5 Well , that 's where you 're in error , both of you , because I 've set my course as far as you 're concerned , Master Tristram , and now I 'll hold to it .
6 A legislature may quite conceivably , by oversight or even design , exceed what an international tribunal ( if such existed ) might hold to be its international rights .
7 ‘ But he 'll hold to it he has a claim ? ’
8 Economics textbooks may still hold to the notion of ‘ work ’ as paid employment and deny the importance of unpaid women 's work ( in agriculture or the home ) in their theories and explanations and their insistence that most countries have moved to a ‘ monetary economy ’ .
9 ‘ We want a pure boy that we can hold to our bosoms and we get a kind of …
10 But can can I can I just come back to the point that if you were taking the lowest figure , I mean how realistic is it to assume that you could actually hold to that ?
11 The Rev Anthony Freeman said he felt a great sense of relief when he admitted to himself he did not hold to the traditional view of God .
12 You know him , you know he 'll hold to his bond . ’
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