Example sentences of "[adv] prevent [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I may have told Mrs Quatt that my position demands that I remain impartial , but one can not entirely prevent oneself from having human feelings and preferences ! ’
2 Education can make people more productive while health can only prevent them from becoming less productive .
3 ( c ) There was an additional reason for considering that there was no infringement of article 52 : the criterion of the owner 's nationality did not prevent nationals of other member states from establishing themselves in the United Kingdom to operate fishing vessels — it only prevented them from doing so under the British flag .
4 He was determined to disarm any refugees who came into the grounds , and so prevent anyone from starting trouble there .
5 The chances are that this shyness would have naturally prevented him from attaining such a high profile … but Morrissey slipped through the net and the consequences could be devastating .
6 Pride holds onto the past and so prevents us from moving forward and achieving more with our lives .
7 Thus it is often erroneously supposed that a provision of the Convention which merely prevents it from displacing or affecting a particular legal right thereby effectuates that right , whereas in truth the sole consequence of the provision is to leave the matter to be determined under the applicable national law .
8 But not for the Americans , nor the British who were not bombed heavily enough to prevent them from turning the experience into a basis for a cosy national myth .
9 this is a restriction on the debtor personally preventing him from disposing of or dealing in any property owned by him .
10 She skilfully prevented him from slipping the crime prevention leaflet in at the bottom of the pile .
11 A Constituent Assembly was elected in May 1990 but the military authorities have effectively prevented it from convening .
12 This effectively prevented them from interfering in matters of state , or fomenting rebellion .
13 It effectively prevented him from working for another insurance company during that period .
14 In that document , there is a very strong reference to the fact that that power should be either restrictive or removed and that there should be a right of appeal against it , which would effectively prevent us from using it .
15 In other words , controlling as he did the nominations to all learned appointments in whichever of the areas he was then kazasker , he would urge young scholars to enter the relative dead end of the career of kasabat kadi and thereby prevent them from passing up through the ranks of medreses to become candidates for mevleviyets and thus rivals to his own position .
16 While large firms have continued to increase their capital/labour ratios thus widening the productivity gap with smaller firms , this has certainly not prevented them from persuading their suppliers to improve the quality of their equipment .
17 Yet it has not prevented me from having a very attractive family and being successful in my work .
18 ’ Melissa was about to point out that Angy 's tender heart had not prevented her from flaunting Rick 's ring as if it were her own , nor had she intervened to protect Barney from hurt , but she merely said , ‘ It was enough to make anyone angry . ’
19 Nevertheless , the Commission 's disquiet has not prevented it from agreeing the designation .
20 I wanted to tell her that I had told Syl I would n't marry him , but I did n't , for I felt that once I had told Lili she would somehow prevent me from recanting and that , freed from Syl , I should be bound even tighter to my mother .
21 But his claim to be able to represent the three major philosophical schools of the Vedānta does not prevent him from regarding Truth ( Satya ) as the most correct and most fully significant term that could be used for God .
22 But , since no one he had met in Wimbledon Islamic circles seemed to use it , it did not prevent him from holding his head up in the staffroom .
23 He told the American writer , John Malcolm Brinnin , that he had learned , from working on the film production , more about writing for the theatre than he had learned in the theatre itself , but that did not prevent him from vetoing the idea , proposed by Sherek , that The Cocktail Party should also be filmed .
24 His administrative post did not prevent him from taking an active part in several engagements , including the bloody battle of Chrysler 's Farm .
25 But like so many of his contemporaries , he had a selective vision of who " the people " were which did not prevent him from referring on occasion , like Burke , to the " swinish multitude " .
26 In 1929 Nizan 's acquiescence to party discipline did not prevent him from exploring the possibility of working for the party at the edge of the class divide .
27 This does not prevent him from honouring English writing when it is honourable ; for instance Binyon 's Dante , Rouse 's Homer , the early books of Adrian Stokes , and the poems of Basil Bunting .
28 He even claimed to have been reading a book on cybernetics at the time of the revolution , but his scholarly interests did not prevent him from amassing enormous wealth by the standards of his fellow citizens .
29 Yet his expressed preference for the worship of the formless does not prevent him from recognizing that God is personal to those who need to feel his presence and embodied to those who desire to experience his touch .
30 He does not equate absolute Truth with particular instances of truth but that does not prevent him from recognizing that particular instances of truth , while not embodying absolute Truth , are nevertheless necessary to convey the meaning of absolute Truth .
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