Example sentences of "[adj] degree [prep] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Armed with some or , very rarely , all of the above resources , presidents may achieve some degree of mastery over the American political system .
2 He has at least some degree of control over his immediate circumstances , but even if he is unable to exert control in particular cases , he at least knows that his views and decisions count .
3 In addition to imitation , there are a number of other procedures designed to give the teacher or therapist some degree of control over the child 's language production .
4 Words and names , as we all know from everyday experience , possess magical power : naming and identifying experiences and things imposes some degree of control over them and gives at least the illusion of bringing them within our power .
5 The government had been thinking about ways for the administration to maintain some degree of control over the colonies since the mid-1650s ; in 1675 Charles set up the first organization to establish any record of continuity , a sign that his possessions overseas were settling down into some sort of discernible order .
6 To hypothesize , it was as if the king of France held the earldom of Cornwall or Lancaster from the king of England , who could therefore exert some degree of control over the foreign policy and behaviour of the king of France .
7 It was by such means — both ‘ feudal ’ and non-feudal — that the house of Foix-Béarn exercised some degree of control over those members of the Gascon nobility whose lordships lay outside their own domains .
8 This explains why the Commission wishes to exercise some degree of control over the freedom to subsidise .
9 However , most countries still retained some degree of control over capital account transactions , mainly because the volatile nature of capital flows was thought to present potential problems for the stability of their exchange rates .
10 The Home Secretary performs the following functions in relation to all police forces : ( a ) Some degree of control over the appointment and dismissal of senior officers .
11 They might see it as better to take-over their main supplier , even if it means that company losing some existing orders from competing manufacturers of food products ; * buyers may deliberately seek international suppliers , so as to maintain their choice and retain some degree of control over the prices and terms of supply .
12 Such economic transformations tend to undermine both the national independence of Third World countries , and the autonomy of women where this is based on some degree of control over land .
13 For any type of policy to be successful both of these conditions need to be satisfied or else the policy instruments under consideration will fail to give an adequate degree of control over macroeconomic objectives .
14 The Orbital 's two-phase ( air blast ) direct injection fuelling system , which adds a finely atomised fuel charge to the cylinder only after the exhaust port has been covered , eliminates the economy and emissions problems of old while providing a high degree of control over charge stratification .
15 Chomsky points out that the principles of operant conditioning were originally derived from experimental studies of animals , in which the ex-perimenter could achieve a very high degree of control over variables which were presumed to influence behaviour .
16 This has the advantage of establishing a high degree of control over the target utterance and , if the child is co-operating , it is possible to make a direct comparison between the utterance the child was attempting to produce and what the child actually said .
17 The main advantage of elicitation procedures is that they give a relatively high degree of control over areas of linguistic ability which are being assessed .
18 At one extreme lie true experimental procedures , which demand a high degree of control over possible confounding factors .
19 This diffuseness was paralleled by a marked degree of confusion over the appropriate research methods to use in empirical studies .
20 To ensure that the Bank can maintain an acceptable degree of influence over short-term rates , the monetary control regulations introduced in 1981 required that banks maintain with the discount market funds equal to a daily minimum of 4 per cent and a monthly average of 6 per cent of their ‘ eligible ’ liabilities .
21 In terms of findings , Woodward 's 60 per cent cognate score for American and French Sign Languages represents quite a low degree of similarity over what one would expect from any two unrelated sign languages , and this suggests that ASL and French Sign Language are not very closely related .
22 Castile itself had been named after the fortresses built along the border between Christian and Moslem Spain , and essentially those who held these castles held the greatest degree of control over the lands on either side .
23 It was intended as a device to enable states with major accumulations of crude oil to exercise the fullest possible degree of control over the industry concerned with its extraction .
24 Yet the tsar replaced Putiatin with Golovnin , appointed a commission which " conducted the most extensive investigation into the idea of a Russian university ever undertaken by the old regime " , took advice even from the liberal Professor Kavelin , and introduced a law which improved the funding of universities , gave professors a large degree of control over university affairs , maintained the principle that universities were open to all classes of the community , and allowed universities to go on dedicating themselves , first and foremost , to the study of the liberal arts .
25 Although councils have often been appointed to sit on the boards , more recently they have been more open to direct local authority involvement : in the case of Sheffield in 1988 , for example , there was a substantial degree of negotiation over representation from the start .
26 It is generally believed today that hyperinflations can be avoided by the maintenance of a reasonable degree of control over the supply of money .
27 One way of avoiding most of the problems associated with legislative guide-lines , while still ensuring a reasonable degree of control over the way sentencers exercise their discretion , would be to hand over the task of preparing the guide-lines to an independent sentencing commission or council , of the kind proposed by Ashworth ( 1993a : 447 , 1997 : 91 ) .
28 Using the Light Rifle about 10′ from a 22″ television set gave a reasonable degree of control over the game .
29 The federal government had proposed that enactment of its September 1991 constitutional reform proposals [ see p. 38429 ] should depend on approval by seven provinces representing at least 50 per cent of Canada 's population , and the NDP could thus have an unexpected degree of influence over their fate .
30 In early 1656 she secured a considerable degree of influence over James Nayler [ q.v. ] , whose works were published first by Calvert and then by Thomas Simmonds .
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