Example sentences of "[adj] control over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Democratic rights ( such as press freedom or voting rights ) merely foster social control over the hearts and minds of workers by virtue of capitalists ' property resources .
2 These facts raise important issues of accountability such as : should there be any public control over the funding and internal organization of pressure groups ?
3 In these elite theory accounts , then , political leadership principally consists of maintaining an impression of public control over the state apparatus as a whole , and developing slogans or political formulae useful in mobilizing voter or interest group support .
4 There must also be a place for ‘ commodity-money relations ’ , or in other words the market , which was an ‘ irreplaceable means for the flexible economic coordination of production with growing and constantly changing public requirements and an important instrument of public control over the quality of goods and the costs of their production ’ .
5 The multiplier process would apply to additional investment expenditures also , but with both exports and investment expenditures the government has little direct control over the size of these flows .
6 Except for Mr Tunze , all seven African backbenchers who spoke were highly critical of the TBC and advocated more direct control over the way it handled its finances , the news it chose to broadcast , and even the type of entertainment it presented .
7 The Congress approved most of the new powers Mr Gorbachev had requested , including direct control over the government and over a new security council .
8 We have no direct control over the provision of services to clients by suppliers .
9 They had offered him the position of editor in chief with , apparently , more direct control over the content of the paper , but only if he came off the Board .
10 Workers may strike for better pay and conditions , but draw back from trying to gain direct control over the means of production or the content of work .
11 Sir Richard Attenborough , chairman of Channel 4 , said it was ‘ utterly improper that any government should have direct control over the appointment of who will run Channel 4 ’ .
12 The new system , which was implemented in 1892 , took away from the Inspector-General direct control over the force .
13 Feudal societies established in Europe a social structure where states were underdeveloped and hence unable to exercise direct control over the population .
14 Hargreaves discussed ‘ policing ’ strategies in an urban middle school , with their detailed control over the talk , bodily movement and gestures of working-class children .
15 Through the emergence of the arts and crafts movement , Morris succeeded in establishing a craft tradition in which the individual could retain some control over every stage of manufacture from design to execution , and thereby gain a far more satisfactory relationship with the product .
16 First , there is the early Marxist approach of Ian Taylor which emphasises that hooligan behaviour is a symbolic attempt by working-class fans to restore some control over a game which they feel increasingly alienated from .
17 For the issuing bank , the documents of title provide some control over the goods and may be used to ensure re-sale proceeds of the importer are paid to it .
18 Its twenty five members , supported by the Milk Marketing Board , have effectively achieved a coup in that , as a collective they now aim to have some control over the prices they receive for their products as individuals and can bargain with the retailing giants , knowing they have the support of their fellow members .
19 What the case does not make clear is how ISS made its profit , although it seems that Philips retained some control over the prices charged by ISS ( see point 14 of the judgement ) .
20 It occurred to Rostov that there would be more point to the information if he also had some control over the pod 's guidance system , but at least he now knew where he was going .
21 The clerk therefore has some control over the flow of work for each barrister in the chambers .
22 Begin to form letters with some control over the size , shape and orientation of letters or lines of writing .
23 715 , some control over the exercise of jurisdiction was well recognised .
24 Congress tried to reassert some control over the budget process in 1974 , specifically to prevent President Nixon from refusing to spend ( impounding ) money appropriated by Congress .
25 Obviously this last option permits the human indexer some control over the allocation of index terms .
26 Workers expect to have some control over the means by which they perform a set task , and they resent having means specified in too much detail .
27 You do have some control over the costs in the form of wage bills so you may require information about that area , and your daily cash takings and some idea of stock turnover to control for pilferage of goods or cash .
28 Pressure by environmentalists in the US has meant that that country has exerted some control over the industry by insisting that observers are placed on board US-registered boats .
29 This means that the bidder will lose some control over the secrecy arrangements and may face a premature announcement by the target .
30 With Chrissie so shaken up , it would be good to have a second voice in the Stones ' house that could exert some control over the eleven-year-old .
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