Example sentences of "[noun] necessary for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The buildings were subsidized by charitable donations but required rent-income for their upkeep , and the problem remained that the poorest could not afford the rent necessary for adequate housing .
2 Goat 's milk , which is sometimes used as an alternative to cow 's , is low in folic acid , an important vitamin necessary for proper blood formation , and his vitamin should be added if you use goat 's milk .
3 When they fail they fail because two essential elements necessary for young children 's learning have been ignored : security and sense of purpose .
4 Life in the slum forces parents to adopt child-rearing methods of which they do not approve , and Wilson concludes that ‘ in the world of poverty the material preconditions necessary for child-centred parenting do not exist ’ .
5 Was folic acid necessary for abnormal proliferation ?
6 It was workers of this kind , with the level of articulacy and the modicum of leisure necessary for political involvement , who provided the hard core of labour activists .
7 I am more concerned with the ways in which social mechanisms work to permit the growth and refinement of abilities necessary for sporting involvement .
8 It is becoming increasingly clear that this whole process , defined in one recent study as ‘ a set of procedures for uniting those who control the resources necessary for certain tasks ( the members of a municipal council or the shareholders in a company for example ) with those who use the goods or services produced from these resources ( pupils , patients , tenants , customers , etc. ) 'i is itself part of policy making .
9 Whilst it is hoped that this text as a whole will contribute to the development of the personal qualities necessary for successful salesmanship , this chapter concentrates specifically on those aspects of international selling with which a firm either exporting or contemplating the same should be familiar .
10 Facilitation means taking responsibility for making the fundamental changes necessary for true integration , whilst accepting the direction for that change from Disabled people 's own organisations .
11 Many riders are still short of Grand Prix qualifiers necessary for Olympic acceptance .
12 The RUC also affords community and neighbourhood policemen and women the optimal organizational conditions necessary for effective policing , identified by Fielding et al .
13 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons My Government will pursue , within the framework of the Exchange Rate Mechanism , firm financial policies designed to reduce inflation further and maintain the conditions necessary for sustained growth .
14 In this way , Spencer 's argument about the conditions necessary for human progress was neatly turned on its head .
15 Smaller companies , unable to compete effectively and unable to generate the profits necessary for future investment , have tended to stagnate , sometimes propped up by national governments .
16 One reason is simply that the futures industry has never been precise in its thinking on the question ; indeed , it has never found a definition necessary for commercial purposes .
17 But neither does he fall back on the traditional liberal solution of improving educational provision , since he has no illusions about the difficulties of inculcating the civic virtues necessary for proper development .
18 Humpbacks are thought to be mostly solitary creatures , though such songs indicate that close physical proximity is by no means necessary for social contact of a vocal nature .
19 This suggests that if a planning phase of speech is disrupted , then the following phase which forms part of the same semantic cycle will no longer be fluent because the prior semantic planning necessary for fluent speech has not been completed .
20 Having described the assumptions of the approach , we shall now describe the cognitive processes necessary for skilled reading and spelling , emphasising the subskills involved in word recognition , anticipation , and integration .
21 Hence there is no necessary incompatibility between the size necessary for functional effectiveness and that required for democracy ( Newton 1982:191 ) .
22 First , it is too general : several other personality traits , such as anxiety — not specifically related to psychosis , though carrying risks for different forms of psychopathology — could equally well be said to generate the motivation necessary for creative production , and often do .
23 In the absence of transporters , most HLA class I molecules are devoid of the peptides necessary for stable assembly of the class I heavy chain with β 2 - microglobulin and for expression at the cell surface .
24 The honours system developed in medieval Britain as a means of maintaining the strict hierarchy necessary for monarchical rule : a place for everyone and everyone in their place .
25 Part of each functional staff was now dedicated to the new businesses , but significant parts were kept functional in order to achieve the synergy necessary for certain processes to occur .
26 Slop , arising from the assembly of components in their minimum metal condition or due to an estimated wear pattern , can be included to produce positional uncertainty in the mechanism , which can then be compared to the positional requirements necessary for correct operation .
27 Perhaps many of those from broken homes search for surrogate fathers , but only those with the physical assets necessary for sporting success , such as strength and speed , are able to foster attachments in the sporting fraternity .
28 These are the skills used to develop the database necessary for developing tactics .
29 Natural language indexing tends to shift the intellectual effort necessary for effective retrieval to the end-user .
30 Everyone engaged on an escape scheme enjoyed the furtiveness necessary for good security : the concealment of tell-tale evidence under coats a few feet away from unsuspecting sentries , the private knowledge kept from other members of the hut .
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