Example sentences of "[noun] are found to be " in BNC.

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1 It is an inescapable fact that , despite all the care taken in passing legislation , some statutory provisions when applied to the circumstances under consideration in any specific case are found to be ambiguous .
2 When the fins of fossil specimens are carefully dissected , the lobes at the base are found to be supported by one stout bone close to the body , two bones joined to it and finally a group of small bones — the pattern that is found in the limbs of all land vertebrates .
3 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
4 Similarly for Sweden , three of the four variables are found to be significant — although the results generally for that country are less satisfactory than for the other three .
5 Ambiguity arises where , through an error in drafting , the words used in the statute are found to be capable of bearing two or more meanings .
6 Hummingbirds and hawkmoths are largely associated with trees producing flowers near the forest floor , where noctuid moths are found to be important pollinators in the smaller species of Meliaceae and butterflies in such families as Rubiaceae .
7 If the transactions are found to be lawful and enforceable and interest rates remain high , the council stands to lose at least £69.1 million - the estimated negative value of its portfolio in February .
8 If the persons are found to be employees , the vendor will be liable to the Inland Revenue and Department of Social Security ( DSS ) for PAYE and national insurance contributions due in respect of emoluments paid to the employees before the date of the transfer .
9 If bladder and testicles are found to be clear of disease , the most likely culprits are an adductor strain or osteitis pubis .
10 If the trustees are found to be the settlor 's nominees the settlor will be the person assessed on the trading or other income ( Dreyfus v IRC ( 1963 ) 41 TC 441 ) although the Inland Revenue will usually find it difficult to establish nomineeship if this was not intended by the parties ( Burman v Hedges and Butler Ltd [ 1979 ] STC 136 ) .
11 That is to say , if creativity and psychosis are found to be connected then this is more likely to be revealed , not as a function of the psychotic state itself , but in more subtle ways — for example , through certain modes or forms of thinking and perception which the tendencies to psychosis and creativity might prove to have in common .
12 From these extensive and varied surveys the detrimental effects of ionizing radiations are found to be somatic ( manifest in the exposed individuals themselves ) and genetic or hereditary ( affecting descendants ) .
13 However , when observed over long periods , many species are found to be generalist in that individuals of them are capable of taking advantage of ‘ specialist ’ interactions at any one time : the ‘ anachronisms ’ show this , as do the generalized pollinators on islands where plants have ‘ left their pollinators behind ’ , e.g. a cetoniid beetle , Mauseolopsis aldabrensis , visits 58% of all flowering species , native or introduced , of all colours and morphology , on the coral atoll of Aldabra off the African coast , but it shows a remarkably high degree of constancy in its foraging flights .
14 Certain features of their performance are found to be correlated with and hence to convey information about direction and quality and distance of food source .
15 Within this form of the design process the scheming and manufacturing processes are found to be highly dependent on the analysis phase .
16 Their results indicate that bargaining structure is systematically related to product and labour market considerations and that high concentration and large plant size are found to be strongly associated with single-firm , as opposed to multi-firm , agreements .
17 But when you keep the big names supplied with a particular kind of amusement you can always depend on it that the police are found to be in the wrong , or that they are framing an innocent man , or that the children in question are his nieces .
18 Although figures 4 and 5 only indicate parameter values corresponding to the B I and B II energy minima the changes occurring during the transition are found to be smooth and monotonic .
19 It has been my experience that Boards , with depressing regularity , have received submissions which on a first reading look structurally ingenious but on close analysis are found to be padded out with individual syllabuses that are academically lightweight and have little or no functional relation to the structure they are supposed to illuminate … something is disastrously wrong with planning procedures when staff only partially understand or accept the rationale of a course and a visiting party finds a farrago of assorted bits and pieces behind a facade occasionally breathtaking in its baroque audacity .
20 This system will provide a clear accountability relationship between centres and SCOTVEC , will enable greater recognition to be given to centres with proven internal quality systems and will provide a spur to those centres whose systems are found to be ineffective .
21 Thus a description of R. & R. Clark 's works in 1896 commented that " for straightforward setting , ordinary stonework , simple imposition and first proof-reading , the women are found to be fully qualified , though of course they do not attain to the all-round excellence of first-class men " ,
22 Synthetic drugs such as quinacrine and chloroquine , were developed to replace natural quinine but some strains of malaria are found to be resistant and doctors are using quinine again to treat malaria in Vietnam , fortunately , trees grow well in Java which is now the main global source .
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