Example sentences of "[noun] assume [conj] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But a new thought struck him — another murder might lead his superior to assume that Surere was , after all , still hiding out in the Southern Capital , and that , too , would hardly be to Merymose 's credit .
2 Following on from Cannon ( 1947 ) most psychologists assumed that drive was simply bodily discomfort brought about by the deprivation state and that drive reduction was due to eliminating this discomfort .
3 Many executive managers assume that resistance is a representation of ‘ the enemy , ’ whereas the reality is that no change can occur without it .
4 Senior registrar appointment committees assume that accreditation is necessary before someone is appointed to a consultant post and that accreditation will be granted only after four years of higher training ( eight years for a doctor training half time under the PM(79)3 scheme ) .
5 It would be a mistake to assume that sleep is a period when the body is marking time and just ticking over idly .
6 While it may be true to say that the one predominates in Christianity and the other in such Eastern religions as Buddhism and Hinduism , it would be a mistake to assume that Christianity is devoid of the principle of identity or that Buddhism and Hinduism are devoid of the principle of participation .
7 Nye derived equations for glacier flow assuming that ice is a perfectly plastic substance , that it flows down a valley of constant slope , and that the conditions of temperature , accumulation and ablation are simple and uniform , and his model could be compared with field observations .
8 We have a long way to go before society really shifts in attitude , and both men and women assume that caring is not only a woman 's job .
9 It is these large-scale ‘ improvements ’ of the countryside that later lead Sir Leicester to assume that nature is dependent for its execution on great county families .
10 Both Stalinism and Sartreanism assume that history is an emancipatory process of self-realization , even if the forces of production in the one are replaced by the praxis of the self-conscious human subject in the other .
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