Example sentences of "strongly [that] " in BNC.

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1 Amateur theatre flourishes almost everywhere , and when you 're beginning it can not be stressed too strongly that it is desirable to obtain some actual stage experience before jumping into the big pool of drama school , or even summer school .
2 with one exception , all [ scholars ] contacted have expressed strongly that the service did not appear to see the practical relevance of university training , did not know how to exploit the benefits gained by the individual and in many cases showed noticeable coolness to those who were part of it .
3 ‘ We hope very strongly that the attitude of China 's authorities will be adequate to change the significant percentage of people who seem to say they have little confidence . ’
4 I feel very strongly that a man like Cram , who has served his country very well in the past and won a host of medals , deserves more loyalty .
5 NELSON MANDELA , the imprisoned leader of the African National Congress , is in favour of negotiations with F W de Klerk 's government , but feels strongly that the black majority of South Africans should be in favour too , before embarking on such a venture .
6 Alternatively , we might feel that people who took care to give different media sources exactly the same rating on an eleven-point scale were indicating quite strongly that they found them equally useful .
7 Laing feels strongly that the chief executive of a company should define , as he has done at United Biscuits , exactly what its responsibilities to the community are .
8 No male member of the Royal family had ever been directly involved with the hospital before , but she feels strongly that when children are in hospital it is the parents ' problem , not just the mother 's , and so the request was specifically for them both to be patrons .
9 Annette also feels strongly that the ‘ mystique of the salon ’ should be dissolved .
10 Jane knew from bitter experience that love is a rare thing , so she felt very strongly that nothing should be allowed to come in its way , that nobody should be condemned to endure the rest of life with those two small , sad words : ‘ if only … . ’
11 Third at the last fence , he passed Royal Mail and with just over a furlong to go was finishing so strongly that it looked as if he must catch Aldaniti .
12 A thousand needs that I 've spent most of my teenage years pretending do n't exist , and when they 've made themselves felt , so strongly that I ca n't fail to be aware of them , I 've crushed them , trying to control my appetite and cravings in every way that I know , fighting a pointless and endless war against myself .
13 Another girl commented that she had never ever been told she was beautiful , and believed strongly that all children should be told this by their parents .
14 Many girls said to me that you never recover from anorexia or bulimia or compulsive eating , but having suffered from all three for over seven years , I can say very strongly that this need not be true .
15 Throwing yourself at men , men of gross natures , is a still-greater act of self-abuse , and I can not warn you too strongly that you are placing yourself in the very gravest danger .
16 Mr David Mason , the London dealer acting for the composer , said : ‘ He felt strongly that the picture should n't leave the country , and the two underbidders on the telephones were both Americans . ’
17 We believe strongly that a vigorous manufacturing sector is essential to a healthy British economy .
18 We also believe strongly that employers , employees and customers should not have their lives and businesses disrupted by wildcat strikes .
19 We believe strongly that we should go on working together in full partnership in a Union that has served every part of the United Kingdom well .
20 Dawkins ( 1976 , 1978 ) has argued strongly that considering the individual animal as the unit of selection is a form of shorthand for what is actually selected down the generations is the gene , or over short time spans , groups of associated genes .
21 It can not be expressed too strongly that the most beneficial results are obtained from pursuing the treatment until a return of symptoms occurs .
22 Samuel Johnson treads carefully in one of his sermons , affirming the woman 's duty of obedience while arguing strongly that a husband 's authority also had its limits :
23 Now while I would accept that the majority of butlers may well discover ultimately that they do not have the capacity for it , I believe strongly that this ‘ dignity ’ is something one can meaningfully strive for throughout one 's career .
24 I ca n't emphasise too strongly that preparing for a marathon involved retaining normal routine as much as possible , not abandoning it .
25 Kit Martin emphasizes strongly that he makes houses not flats .
26 But research in America has suggested very strongly that it 's actually a special sex fluid , similar to a secretion which is ejaculated from a man 's prostate gland , but produced by a sensitive structure near the famous G-spot .
27 The references in the Directive ( quoted above ) to conservation of the countryside suggest strongly that the thinking behind its drafting equated the continuation of farming in the uplands as synonymous with conserving the countryside .
28 The House of Commons Agriculture Committee put forward 43 recommendations for change but their conclusions suggest strongly that the Committee did not appreciate the severity of the conservation/agriculture conflict in the uplands and the impact of habitat loss .
29 I feel strongly that if the library and information profession is to play a significant role in the handling of information within business ( and other ) organisations , we really must stop pussy-footing around with weak half-baked notions !
30 Thus it can not be stressed too strongly that the process of transforming publicly available information artefacts into information that is directly usable with minimal resource expenditure by the strategic decision maker is almost always a very difficult and demanding job requiring a considerable amount of intelligence , training and expertise .
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