Example sentences of "chosen a " in BNC.

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1 I was delighted to see you had chosen a young man and woman with Down 's Syndrome to model shirts in the Spring 1991 catalogue .
2 Andy Currier and Paul Newlove are the newcomers , scarcely unheralded , but Reilly has chosen a squad rather than a team because of injury doubts over Andy Gregory and Joe Lydon , and with the threat of suspension hanging over Shaun Edwards .
3 Sid had chosen a spot at the top of the orchard a few yards from the wall surrounding Brigade H.Q ‘ We can have two trenches with one entrance , ’ he said , ‘ Your trench there , and my trench here , ’ drawing a diagram with the point of his bayonet .
4 If in Murder in the Cathedral he had chosen a particular martyrdom which functioned as a bloody , savage ritual , then in the plays which followed , connections with primitive ritual would be clearer — if anything , as Eliot later feared when thinking of The Family Reunion , too clear , the primitive outline getting in the way of the Christian story .
5 He had scarcely known Maggie , could not have known that he could not have chosen a better treat than this mysterious park , with its vast statues carved out of the living rock : the huge-mouthed cave with its mighty teeth , the vast stone giant , his shoulders visible through bushes a hundred yards away , half hidden in greenery ; and above all , the great carved stone dragon with its broken wings , and wild Chinese eyes .
6 If we 'd been looking for an easy acquaintance with nature , we would have chosen a different landscape : something lusher and more intricate , not this bleak and famished hillside on the Atlantic 's edge .
7 For that extra touch of mystique we 've chosen a pair of dark sunglasses .
8 Mr Robin Cook , shadow Health Secretary , said : ‘ We could not have chosen a better issue to put centre stage for the first televised session of Parliament . ’
9 Also by competing it risks cannibalising its own best profit sources : IBM selling an AS/400 mini is a triumph if the buyer would otherwise have chosen a DEC VAX , but a financial disaster for IBM if it replaces an IBM mainframe .
10 I have chosen a spiced chicken pilaff , which can be served with a fresh tomato and chilli chutney to liven things up if the evening looks a little dull .
11 And the victim could have chosen a better place to voice throaty communist sentiments .
12 This would have appointed a new executive committee which , in turn , would have chosen a new chairman .
13 We had deliberately chosen a villa with easy access to the sea , but the children preferred their own pool .
14 Mr Major has also chosen a new adviser on foreign affairs , Sir Rodric Braithwaite , who is retiring as British ambassador to Moscow next month .
15 In light of the large numbers who had chosen a similar response to the question , ‘ Why do you have the farm ? ’ it was not surprising that so many gave job satisfaction as one of the personal benefits of training .
16 Had they chosen a weekday for the coup , there would have been heavy traffic at this hour and news of the roadblocks would have spread quickly throughout the country , perhaps warning one of the ministers before he could be captured … one more example of exemplary planning .
17 From her family 's point of view she could scarcely have chosen a more unsuitable lover .
18 It was a loose group of freewheeling radicals who had chosen a particularly acute social problem as a vehicle for broader political alms .
19 Because Jo 's father was English and Lorna Lewis gave many interviews explaining that the secret of keeping a marriage together in Hollywood was to make sure your husband was the king of his own home , they had chosen a house built in English baronial style , with walls mantled with ivy , black exposed timbers , fireplaces big enough to hold a conference in and small diamond-paned windows through which the sun streamed defiantly in brilliant narrow shafts .
20 There were no regulations to prevent people from walking up the Balmoral side of the mountain when the Queen was not staying at the castle , and Richard had chosen a long ascent from the Balmoral side for the sake of privacy .
21 Sleepily goes into spiel about what kind of care would she like , has she chosen a hospital yet , how does she feel generally , this is her first , is n't it , a lot of nonsense talked nowadays about active births and so on , what people fail to realize is that birth is potentially highly dangerous for the mother and the child and that with a bit of foresight and the right equipment it 's possible to etc. , etc. , etc .
22 With it , she had chosen a pair of black sneakers and a huge black bracelet .
23 Keld is a Norse word meaning ‘ a spring ’ and the first settlers here could not have chosen a more appropriate name for there is always the sound of water ; the little cluster of stone buildings occupies a headland thrust into the turbulent cataracts of the Swale , in infancy Yorkshire 's most exuberant river .
24 ( For example , they might say that they have a woman deacon in their parish , or that they have chosen a woman — or a man — as their doctor . )
25 In retrospect , I know now that I could not have chosen a more co-operative species than the chub with which to begin a vocation in big-fish angling .
26 If the message Can not rename file appears , you have chosen a filename which is already in use .
27 And no doubt other authors would have chosen a different balance of topics — more invertebrates and light vertebrates perhaps .
28 Sensible parents would have chosen a hill station near us , rented a house , and sent us every year to the same school .
29 This is why we have chosen a mouth ( on the following diagram ) to represent the outgoing side of a personality ; but this is only one side of the personality .
30 ‘ But I could n't have chosen a better house than this flat . ’
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