Example sentences of "ask they " in BNC.

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1 Even better , go down to your local computer shop and ask them to show you several different ways to back-up , then choose the one which seems easiest .
2 Identify a selection of cutlery distributors , send them one of your pieces of cutlery and ask them to match it and send their sample and yours back .
3 Some Environmental Health Departments may have agencies who can deal with this part for you — Ask them — Social Services also may have help available — Ask your Occupational Therapist .
4 Then again for reasons of established cultural preference we had to go back to the Audit Commission and ask them to translate £6.358 million into ‘ real men ’ , for we had difficulty in trying to sell such an alien concept to the police mind .
5 Either way , the problem you describe , combined with the fact that this is your first dog , makes me think you should go back to the RSPCA and ask them to put you in touch with the most suitable , local training club .
6 We might , for instance , ask them : ‘ The local education authority , which is Conservative-controlled , wants to close a popular primary school in a run-down urban area in your constituency because of falling rolls ; there is high unemployment .
7 ‘ We should be saying to the Secretary of State : ‘ If you want fees say so , go to the electorate and ask them . ’
8 You get them round that way , and eventually you ask them about themselves , and you get round to it .
9 There was one lady called ‘ Toss-Off Kate ’ who used to go round the audience and sit beside various isolated gentlemen and ask them if they wanted to be serviced .
10 Asian women come from many different language groups , practise at least three main religions and have come to Britain in varied patterns of migration but ask them about their family life and the similarity of their experience stands out like the skeleton in an X-ray .
11 Ask them if they are working-class or middle-class , and they tell you ‘ This is our fate , sister , to work , to slave , in Pakistan too some of us had to do the hard , hard work on the fields .
12 I stop these couple of young kids and ask them where my home is , but they just laugh at me .
13 Ask them to confirm that they do mean we 've got to bridge as opposed to ferrying . ’
14 Ask them anyway .
15 But anybody still short of two Ugly Sisters should get in touch at once with Gerald Kaufman and Norman Tebbit and ask them to repeat yesterday 's performance in the Commons .
16 Phone the LEA office and ask them to send you school prospectuses by post .
17 Ask them home to tea .
18 If you ask them what taraxacum officinale is they think it 's a new mini-cab service .
19 ‘ When they come in I ask them what skills they 've got , and they almost always say ‘ none ’ .
20 Talk to children about plants and trees and animals dying , ask them to draw their impressions of these events , and they will reveal an understanding that can leave many adults longing for a child 's faith and knowledge .
21 Ask them why this is and they will reply that should they die during the night they do not want the person who finds them to feel they were dirty or slovenly .
22 Such horses are hopeless at dressage , because they always decide what we should do before we ask them .
23 Ask them . ’
24 When asked who they will vote for , they are being asked as experts because they know about their own vote ; ask them who will win the election and they can only guess , rely on anecdotal information or regurgitate polls or commentators they have read .
25 ‘ In particular , ask them about the accuracy of sales forecasts , cost projections and the quality of the back-up he provides . ’
26 When they say I must be mad , I ask them , ‘ What do you do in your life ? ’
27 Go and look for some of your friends , the Stewpot fan club , and ask them to play for your precious team .
28 Do n't forget to contact your house insurance company , and ask them to increase the buildings cover accordingly to include the new building .
29 I doubt if at present you can have it reregistered on an age related basis , but when you write to DVLC ask them at the same time .
30 Ask them if they 're having the same problem . ’
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