Example sentences of "to know [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 We might also note that , in order to arrive at the implicature , we have to know certain.facts about the world , that garages sell petrol , and that round the corner is not a great distance away .
2 This is not an onerous post ( mostly giving the chair moral support ) and would be an excellent way of getting to know people and being part of an active and friendly committee .
3 Yet , no matter how far one travels I doubt if one ever really gets to know people , or places , not as one imagines them in one 's mind .
4 On that duty he would get to know people pretty well .
5 Nevertheless , at first I was lonely and missed the free-and-easy atmosphere I had left behind , until I began to get to know people .
6 The Parsons wanted to know people like that .
7 ‘ How will I get to know people ? ’
8 ‘ I was a bit young to go there because I found it difficult to get to know people , ’ he says .
9 I 've got to know people in my local community .
10 Gower , who will be going to India as a commentator for BSkyB and could find himself being called up in case of injury , said : ‘ It 's a boost to one 's morale to know people care . ’
11 Mr Lawrence adds that he had no industry network and little background experience on which to base decisions , so he spends a lot of time getting to know people in the industry .
12 Although I 'm quite happy to be indoors and getting on with my work — I do n't say I 'd be outside gallivanting everywhere — it 'd be nice to know people .
13 ‘ He had this great ability to get to know people very quickly , and wherever he was , he was invited to all the best and most glittering parties .
14 Not surprisingly , one potent source of offence , interpreted within the framework of practices which depersonalize and are therefore contemptuous , was the failure of the Headteacher to know people 's names .
15 She had seen a leaflet about the YCs and thought that this would provide a good way of getting to know people .
16 Do you erm have you got to know people a bit on the flats ?
17 Before you can make your Promise and become a Guide you have to do eight challenges , one from each of these sections : Enjoying the Out-of-Doors , Keeping Fit , Thinking for Yourself , Giving Service , Exploring the Arts , Becoming a Homemaker , Keeping the Guide Law and Getting to Know People .
18 With small groups and a shared activity it 's easy to get to know people .
19 Oh aye you get to know people that you 've for years and years .
20 She was excellent at getting to know people , especially in one to one relationships .
21 There was little free time to get to know people in Britain in any depth .
22 Much of her time was spent travelling , getting to know people in the various centres , encouraging the evangelical work of the local corps .
23 ‘ The firm is so departmentalised , it gives you an opportunity to get to know people very quickly .
24 It 's good to know people are thinking of me .
25 Yes , of course it 's important to invest in pictures and it 's a very good way of getting to know people , business people and so on — and to show them what sort of person you are .
26 We get to know people by accepting them , by trusting them — the opposite of doubt — and by " giving them the benefit of the doubt " indeed , unless exceedingly strong evidence to the contrary presents itself .
27 You start off by asking questions by the if you like and talking to people , getting to know people , getting next to people .
28 The relationships you build up with our clients and the advertisers , with the clients you 're working in their own er their offices for three weeks so you get to know people .
29 At least half the children interviewed claimed to know people on drugs .
30 You got to know people very quick in .
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