Example sentences of "along the " in BNC.

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1 provides counselling and general family support , the Link Project deals with drug-related problems and gives general advice , while ACET provides practical home care not only to the Portsmouth area but also along the South Coast .
2 Between these two ridges the fire of the sunset falls along the trough of the sea , dyeing it with an awful but glorious light , the intense and lurid splendour which burns like gold , and bathes like blood .
3 Along this fiery path and valley , the tossing waves by which the swell of the sea is restlessly divided , lift themselves in dark , indefinite , fantastic forms , each casting a faint and ghastly shadow behind it along the illumined foam …
4 This icon consisted of the rectangle of the canvas as a one-colour ground visible along the edge of — and occasionally through an opening between — three or four horizontal blocks of color with brushed surfaces and furry borders .
5 Plaster had come away from the walls from ceiling to floor , and along the lower part the bared cement , originally grey , was stained yellow and smelt of urine .
6 Strolled back along the Park , then up one of the side-streets .
7 But , finding her exclamation had produced no reaction in the only other passenger not comfortably below , save in the stem for a scatter of peasants returning with emptied baskets from Naples , she moved nearer along the ship 's greasy rail .
8 He did n't actually have to run his finger along the line in order to make sense of it , but he did like to mouth the words as he got to them .
9 Extensive searches revealed a series of tyre marks along the fairway leading to the 15th and there are fears that Sir Vivien , reputed to be one of the seventeen richest men in the country , may have been kidnapped and held to ransom . ’
10 Agreeing that the cakes should be protected , Mr Pinkney had set up a sort of crêpe paper barrier along the front of the display .
11 But a good spy is supposed to take risks , so after a while I tiptoed along the passage to Claire 's door and peeped in .
12 I ran away as fast as I could along the pavement .
13 Theirs is a much more popular course , admittedly , but we must have some sort of chance , somewhere along the line . ’
14 When I arrived back outside my room , I met Jane coming along the corridor from the other direction , clutching little Darren in her arms .
15 I kept wandering around for a few hours , with no idea where I was or where I was going , then somewhere along the line I chanced upon an open space where there was the odd bench scattered here and there and I used one of these for my lie-down .
16 In my own garden the twisted hazel , Corylus avellana ‘ Contorta ’ , is underplanted with primroses , bluebells and wood anemones , for that is how I remember them growing , as they still do , along the banks of the rive Greta .
17 My only contribution to the debate is to affirm that the colony of twenty or more specimens growing along the lane above my house breeds true .
18 However , another year I shall not grow even a low line of peas along the south border .
19 The single row of ‘ Scarlet Emperor ’ runner beans along the north border presents no such problem .
20 Simply wait until autumn , when small tubers will appear along the stem , tucked into the leaf axils .
21 Cutting along the side of the hedge with a spade helps check lateral roots , but it 's wiser to grow adjacent plants that tolerate poor , dry soil or shade .
22 The most serious swings and cart-wheels usually occur when the wind gets under the wing-tip so that the down wind tip scrapes along the ground .
23 This is largely a matter of forming the habit of noting the wind from smoke or some other indication and of orientating yourself relative to the sun or an obvious feature such as a coast line , i.e. remember something along the lines of ‘ Into wind is into sun ’ , or say to yourself , ‘ I must land with the sun over my left shoulder ’ , etc .
24 Choose a line feature along the landing area , with a mark or line across for the touch down point .
25 I have mentioned aspects of the debate on the inclusion of the subjective self into an ethnography ; now I hope to weave aspects of this subjective self into a scientific construct , revealing something of police culture along the way as I briefly explore some of my own early career moves .
26 But not yet ? ’ she murmured , draped along the kitchen door .
27 ‘ Angel , ’ murmured Jay , waving to her along the dark road .
28 Dionne arranged herself along the couch .
29 A monstrous pain crackling along the frozen nerves to leave her dry crying , wordless sobs of abandonment .
30 She watched as night-grey filtered out to recognisable shapes : the beached boats , the shifting edge of the sea , the low houses slung along the road .
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