Example sentences of "talking be " in BNC.

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1 All other things which are done instead of talking are a waste of time , are being used as excuses to delay the whole process , and will bear no fruit whatsoever , except the killing which is going on every day …
2 Three people talking are harder to handle than two , so Betjeman uses names more than Ozick .
3 Lots of time spent reading light novels , listening to music , watching the television or talking are helpful , as is the ability ( perhaps aided by a drink or a pill ) to fall asleep when these more active anodyne activities come to a halt .
4 The child 's doing , the child 's active social experience and his own thinking and talking are the chief means of his education … words can not be substituted for things .
5 ‘ You were n't talking were you ? ’
6 I he obvious inference after a time is that the man was homosexual and that the men talking were , too .
7 She said all the were up talking were n't they ?
8 but she just suddenly went , you and she grabbed hold of this lad , and dragged , she did n't hit him or anything , you know , but I just , oh I thought oh god , you know , I felt so sorry for this kid like , dragged him out to the back , you were talking were n't you ?
9 Yeah well we did n't concentrate on it when it started actually , we was all talking were n't we ?
10 Another company to which Ferranti is known to be talking is Daimler Benz , the giant West German vehicles , aircraft and electricals group .
11 In an exclusive interview , Richard Feast discovers that his reputation for straight , sometimes controversial , talking is not exaggerated .
12 So far as talking is concerned , they can only do it to each other .
13 Long Talking is preoccupied with the physicality of utterance , whereas The Endless Short Story equivocates about its own length and means .
14 If talking is your weakness then give encouragement by non verbal gestures , short prompt words and phrases .
15 After all , we are the new champs and talking is what we do best , next to playing cricket !
16 If you are meeting people in the morning and a lot of talking is involved , try to have a complete break ( without having to speechread ) before you tackle the afternoon .
17 In negotiation , the person who is talking is in control — wrong !
18 Developing a relationship by talking is about creating an atmosphere where you both can gain something .
19 Talking is something they do easily but not well , it is said .
20 Talking is all right — if accompanied by an adult .
21 and talking is talk with I N G on the end .
22 A very simple way of collecting examples of people talking is to sit them down in front of the camera and get them to talk to it .
23 Talking is an important business here , and drink the great lubricant — are you sulking ? ’
24 In my mind while you 're talking is about these three children who presumably er this gentleman 's wife was supposed to be looking after on thirty pounds a week .
25 talking is it ?
26 Skinner was trying to talk about psychology as a science because a lot of psychology at the time was n't and if you ask pe I 'm sorry that my sort of talking 's coinciding with people 's conversations but er er will you try and finish it .
27 whites studying blacks , you know , all those other kinds of imbalances in , in psychology in the social sciences erm which might be interesting erm cos like Guy sometimes says about erm when he was er talking to some er deaf people , well perhaps not talking 's the right word but communicating with some deaf people about their , about their problems , I mean this bloke said you psychologists are all the same you just think that deaf people need cochlea implement
28 Complete silence was expected nightly while he took stock of the world : ‘ after supper , the paper was unfolded and the old man began reading the four pages ; woe betide if any noise or talking was indulged in by the family until the task was completed . ’
29 But then Meredith discovered that the way to get Harriet relaxed and talking was to introduce the topic of animals .
30 They would n't have minded other things too but talking was what he wanted .
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