Example sentences of "to think of " in BNC.

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1 These two people had enacted what we have long been accustomed to think of as a romantic programme , whereby love and death converge , and dying young is the thing to do , whereby other people , and common life , are a thing to be escaped from , and a tension develops between the duty to a partner and a cultivation of the self , between the dictates of an amour fou and an amour de soi .
2 It would take someone who was very much intent on a punishment of biography to think of pointing the way to Difficulties with girls by mentioning its proximity to The Waste Land .
3 It takes its structure from a set of correspondences between elements and persons , and the old definition of temperament as a mixture of qualities is present to the reader 's mind — the same definition that permits us to think of Faussone as a part of Levi , or as his alter ego .
4 In general , it 's wise to think of each term 's tuition fees as costing from £1300 to £1600 ( prices current in 1989/90 ) .
5 Try to think of the essentials , as any good coach will tell you .
6 And because , as I say , of my conventional background there seemed at the time a tendency to think of me as a reactionary young man .
7 While the party contains many who actively seek peace and reconciliation , it would be wrong to think of them in any sense as overcoming the basic conflictual components of bloc power in Ireland .
8 To think of someone in that station of life resorting to blackmail ! ’
9 I remember trying to think of all the troops who would line up behind me , and realizing that there was only Anne .
10 He now had to think of a decisive way of finishing what he had tentatively started or he too ran the risk of losing face .
11 In my mind , I had pictured Charles , Anne and myself standing in the middle of an otherwise empty common room , sherry glass in hand , desperately trying to think of something to say to each other .
12 ‘ And you 're Steve , ’ I said , trying to think of a suitable Steve to name him after .
13 It is therefore important to teach and always to think of the stick movement as being a progressive forward movement made until the spin stops .
14 Jay had a horror of moths flying into her face and hair ; she liked to think of herself as someone who cups her hands for moths and spiders and frees them .
15 But if we are free citizens ’ — he paused on the word , feeling it alien but unable to think of another — ‘ if we are not slaves , we must have liberty to say ‘ No , we have no dispute with France — we have business here at home which matters more than anything else on earth — we will not learn to play with swords , or blow out brains with bullets . ’
16 Get them to think of their own best refuge .
17 To think of a traitor amongst their own people lacerated him as much as the thought of Iain or Donald lying in some cell .
18 Susan had read of the ceremony in the factual brief for the President ( Michael 's brief , but she did not allow herself to think of Michael ) .
19 On the one hand , it is natural to think of the world outside mind as consisting solely of particulars : the only things that could be general would be ideas .
20 It is tempting to think of it as a felt tendency , so that one is somehow aware of where the mind is going .
21 It is similarly tempting to think of the colour image as hovering in the background , somehow anticipated by the mind ; but this is a metaphor , for the image either is or is not in consciousness .
22 If it really is the case that all I am doing when I have beliefs about the world is to have dispositions to behave , then it ought to make sense for me to think of my believing in those terms .
23 I like to think of this next Fodorian thesis as a kind of ‘ methodological dualism ’ .
24 If it is really necessary to think of mental states as having qualitative content ( and see Dennett , 1988 , for some powerful arguments that it is not ) , then it follows from functionalism that such qualia do not have causal interactions with other mental states or behaviour and are mere epiphenomena .
25 She did n't know what to think of these solicitations .
26 ‘ Old age ’ is not a disease in itself , and it is not helpful to think of the problems which face older people as being caused ‘ by their age ’ .
27 Perhaps the easiest way of looking at this is to think of the surface states as a charge store , which effectively shifts the switching level of the device .
28 In fact , there is no longer any reason to call it English verse , and there is no present reason to think of England at all .
29 It was not easy to think of a precedent , and one could be forgiven for concluding that the notorious obscurity of the poem came about not by the author 's design but accidentally , because the work was the product not of one mind but of two .
30 People must n't think that because there 's a computer , they 've got to think of a use for it . ’
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