Example sentences of "practice [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although technically the health authority bears responsibility , in practice the funeral arrangements are made by the staff of the hospital where the patient died .
2 In practice the Marxist practitioners of the New Historicism tend to interpret Shakespeare plays in accordance with the political interests of the late twentieth century .
3 It all seems to offer a breathtaking array of choice yet in practice the schedules too often present the same glum menu of badly dubbed westerns , trivial game shows , long and justly forgotten Neapolitan comedies of the 1960s or windy discussion programmes .
4 In practice the distinction is not so clear-cut .
5 In theory , the tax applied equally to Japanese and imported whisky spirit , but in practice the position was radically different ; imported scotch attracted the full tax , but the local spirit ( 'whisky' ) was in fact only 10% whisky spirit ( which did not unduly worry the consumers , since they drank it as mizuwari , highly diluted with water ) .
6 So let us turn from the obstacles to applying in practice the theoretical truism in the first proposition of the Plowden Committee — that ‘ there may now well be excessive social services for some purposes ’ — and consider the second proposition — that there may now well be ‘ inadequate ones for others ’ .
7 So while the whole point of the argument , and rightly , is that when gender is understood as culture rather than nature we see that gender is implicated in all aspects of culture , in practice the argument rarely gets oft the bed .
8 In practice the superiority of composites can be even greater than these figures suggest .
9 In practice the price obtained will be less than the generating cost , so as a business proposition it is a non-starter .
10 In practice the relationship between the two has been all too cosy .
11 In practice the situation is not quite so simple , and many measurements and checks must be made by the TL scientist , only a few of which will be mentioned here .
12 So in practice the ‘ grievous bodily harm ’ rule goes further than the arguments of its protagonists would support .
13 The general muddle was discussed in Chapter 6.2(c) above : in principle , a person whose conduct was caused by mental disorder should not be liable to criminal conviction , but in practice the narrow and antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England ( a handful of cases each year ) , and the courts normally proceed to conviction and then select a medical disposal where appropriate .
14 However , in practice the courts tend to impose higher sentences for assaults on the police , and it is therefore worth noting that this offence is committed even though D was unaware that he was striking a police-officer .
15 Although procedurally they are selected by the appointments secretary at Downing Street , in practice the Queen is asked for her informal approval before a nomination is made : the prime minister 's private secretary writes to the Queen 's private secretary saying ‘ the
16 In practice the eye must be at least very slightly above the mirror plane to obtain a reflection .
17 It is one of my favourite films — Peter Sellers as the vicar who tries to put into practice the teachings of Jesus Christ , causing anarchy and chaos thereby .
18 Also , under current regulations 75% was the minimum grant to Responsible Bodies ; although in practice the Ministry had treated this as the standard proportion , not to be exceeded , it was worrying that the Ashby Report gave 75% as the maximum .
19 In theory at least , ownership should enable them to use their crofts as security in raising finance , for example to make a matching contribution in projects assisted by the HIDB , but in practice the situation is more complex .
20 Although in practice the program staff do not strictly adhere to ‘ job demarcation , ’ on paper at least it can be further broken down into , Director ; 3 Cultural Program staff , 1 Research Program , 1 Research/Library , 1 Workshop Co-Ordinator/Economic Education program , 2 Economic Education staff , 1 Environmental Health/Toxic Waste program , and 1 on the Cultural program staff with especial responsibility for youth work .
21 Statistics ( Table I ) indicate that one in ten of the people of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland works in agriculture , although in practice the presence of small scale and often part-time farming means that probably one in five receive part of their income from agricultural activities .
22 She had unconsciously put into practice the Winnie the Pooh principle , which rules that the most effective method of searching for a lost person or object is to get lost oneself on the assumption that some force of nature brings all forgotten things together in ignored niches and unfrequented locales .
23 If punishment is assimilated into the probation glossary it will inevitably influence the sort of practice the Service undertakes .
24 We will press them to put into practice the principles of the Maastricht declaration .
25 Disconnect the large multi plug on the wiring loom on the bulkhead Pull the wire off the injector pump shut off solenoid as a safety measure and touch the starter solenoid wire ( white with a red tracer ) to a live feed ( brown ) on the engine side of the multi plug ( check it is out of first gear first ) An opened split pin is ideal for the job With practice the engine can be flicked over to the required position
26 In practice the Act requires teachers to avoid racial bias in the performance of their teaching and pastoral duties .
27 Because of the interrelationships between the language modes , in good classroom practice the programmes of study will necessarily and rightly be integrated .
28 In practice the widowed of any age were much more likely to stay in their own homes than to move to find support .
29 Still less can we be true citizens if that parliamentary will is in practice the will of a Prime Minister presiding over a cowed Cabinet and protected by an impregnable parliamentary majority .
30 In practice the tactical manoeuvring may become less relevant if Westminster Live continues its recent practice of leaving the Chamber after the Prime Minister has finished and switching to studio interviews .
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