Example sentences of "said in " in BNC.

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1 It can be said in his favour that the Michael X set seemed very like a fraud and a circus , and that these people had no deep connection with the politics of Trinidad .
2 ‘ Mind you , if you 'd said in advance I would have done gooseberry sauce .
3 I am convinced that many students often do not understand what is being said in teaching situations , though they become adept at pretending to , as they do not wish to lose face .
4 It takes as fact that employers , judges and Tory legislators can do no wrong , and so it is hardly surprising that it finds nothing to be said in favour of trade unions .
5 And how he tried — speeding from study group to policy committee , from National Executive Committee to Cabinet , from office to platform , spraying out speeches , press releases and lengthy papers reminding his colleagues of what had been said in their manifesto .
6 Hermione Lee is admirably judicious about all this , pointing out both that we have a perfect right to say things about a writer that we would not have said in their lifetime , and that ‘ to account for Cather 's fiction by reading it as an encoding of covert , even guilty sexuality is , I think , both patronising and narrow . ’
7 This book ( 103pp ) contains the edited texts of the main talks , and a digest of what was said in the discussion groups .
8 Ramsey afterwards could not remember a word that he had said in his speech .
9 Ideally , all that needs to be said can be said in an hour , and if you think the journalist is genuinely interested in your work , try to give him or her as much time as required — it is appreciated .
10 But there is more to be said about Lawrence ; much more than was usually said in the days when he was celebrated as a prophet of straight liberation , and more than is oft en said when he is castigated from the vantage point of contemporary sexual politics .
11 Terse , poignant , and well made , it says what could only be said in poetry .
12 ‘ I am one of those people ’ , he has said in the past , ’ who must take exercise not only to be able to give of my best , but just to survive — I mean , I ca n't function without it .
13 Adding these to the other elements of the claim and demands for extra London weighting , Mr Clarke had said in the Commons that ambulance workers were looking for ‘ rather a lot more money ’ .
14 Not content even with this level of political castration , Mr Suharto has instructed the security forces to keep a close watch on what is said in mosques .
15 Until 1958 , when Siegmund Warburg masterminded a hostile bid by an Anglo-Canadian consortium for British Aluminium , it would also have been said in both Britain and America .
16 Indeed , Hobbes says , ‘ I believe that scarce anything can be more absurdly said in natural philosophy , than Aristotle 's Metaphysics . ’
17 The court has now three divisions : a Queen 's Bench Division , a Chancery Division , and a Family Division ( successor to the probate , Divorce , and Admiralty Division , of which something will be said in Chapter 3 ) .
18 The reader who has followed what was said in the second chapter will already have appreciated the nature of the trust , one of the most characteristic institutions of English Law , and its enormous importance as a part of our law of property .
19 When Mr Barker heard that Christopher Martin-Jenkins had said in his radio commentary that ‘ a very good umpire cracked under pressure ’ he denied it and issued a writ against Martin-Jenkins for defamation .
20 It is said in some circles that Morrison is alive and well and living in Des Moines , so perhaps we will one day have to sit through Doors II : the Incognito Years .
21 It is no weakness to take notice of what is being said in such a consultation .
22 Never a truer word is said in jest , Roirbak thought .
23 Would that we could as easily gather back all the things we have said in mistake over the years , gather them in and powder them down until not one trace of their original form is left .
24 I may even have said in the spirit of the joke that it had been one hundred and fifty-six whores , for all the world as though it was of an obsessive importance for the actual number to be known with absolute accuracy !
25 ‘ The Tory party is run by about five people , ’ Oliver Poole had said in 1961 , ‘ who all treat their followers with disdain .
26 What was said in the phone calls to ivy-clad stately homes across the land is unknown .
27 The hope that at least the disappearance of the Party might be one thing to emerge from a lost war was said in one report to be more widespread in rural areas than appeared to be so on the surface .
28 All that I have said in the last chapter about preparation and being able to sort out important issues is again not possible given this scenario .
29 It is often said in such circumstances that the shock of the news has been too great .
30 Poindexter remembered that Casey invited himself , that they ate sandwiches , and that they discussed what Casey had said in his briefing of Congress the previous day .
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