Example sentences of "mind [unc] " in BNC.

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1 I must admit , that 's the one that always springs to mind bu was it Bamber ?
2 We do hope to take the board of social responsibility report this afternoon as well and that people might just keep that in mind er because we have still three notices of motion on the panel on doctrine before we reach that .
3 With this in mind er , this morning I 've written to George , the trade union secretary of the Civil Engineering Conciliation Board , the negotiating machine and suggested to him that he contacts the employers to seek a further meeting to see if we can restart the talks based on doing something about the longstanding commitment by both sides of the industry to have a positive and sensible pay structure for the future this may be one way forward , one way out of the deadlock .
4 I 'm sure the word divorce has come into my mind er several times at the crisis points but by God 's strength you keep going and you grow .
5 Now Professor Lock referred to allocations and I think that 's probably and the front of his mind er having regard to his own comments , but I I would put it more widely as just erm exceptions which could be either individual allocations or indeed erm policies of of a local plan .
6 Suffice as it 's to say that the negotiations did provide for extra seats for Germany in account of the additional population that accrued to Germany from the reunification of East and West Germany and er er at the same time the opportunity was taken to allot some extra seats to some other countries er which erm bore in mind er more closely than before , the respective differences in population sizes of the various countries that make up the community , er the two special committees that I referred to Mr Deputy Speaker , were set up in July nineteen ninety three .
7 I think erm what , what we , what I 'd really like to do is if I could get in touch with him and give him the chance to make up his own mind er then he could decide whether or not he would like to have a chat with me and I 'd just run a few ideas by him , just as you 've done , without any pressure er and he can make his own decisions .
8 we used to have a boat as well and then when er , when his erm mind er , well brain self started , you know he had that Alzheimer 's disease
9 things on my mind er , my my mind to be able to apologise .
10 laughter so that by the time we came to do the five practical ev exercises you know everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood but I think that 's was it 's about but from the results that we were getting from the practical exercises clearly what he said had taken root you know roll key words , roll them around in your mind er try running through letters of the alphabet to match up with your key word chains and you know if if if the word is ball try roll see if you can get it to rhyme and ultimately the creme de la creme is if you can actually get the title of a song or
11 She , her body prompting her still , with no finality in her , turned her world over and over again in her mind 's restless fingers .
12 This vision lies behind nominalism , which claims that it is the mind 's capacity for creating general words that creates the illusion of generality in the world itself .
13 The tendency of the mind to move from one thing to another has to consist in the straightforward fact that one thing usually follows , or is caused by , the other ; the tendency or association can not be thought of as some experienced feature of the situation without reviving the original situation of having an unanalysed conception of the mind 's ability to reach out and apprehend things .
14 You know the way it is — someone dies whose example was meaningful to you , who was significant in your mind 's evolution , though you may have had only the most fleeting personal acquaintance with them .
15 He relied on his mind 's eye and ear — and nose .
16 In extremity , with nowhere to go , and not even a believed theory to wear or hold his mind 's hand ( ‘ what will you run away with ? ’ ) ,
17 Thus what I called Crime and Punishment 's apocalyptic naturalism is its most vital link with The Possessed ; I mean , when Dostoevsky read about that gang murder in the Moscow Record his mind 's eye was caught not by a bizarre and therefore very newsworthy incident but by the seed of a foul commonplace : the seed in eternity , in the deepest realism , though also in the mere mundane future , for Dostoevsky did imagine a time when only the most spectacular acts of terrorism would get headline treatment .
18 It 's not that Shatov is somehow proved right and Mrs Virginsky wrong about new life and ( by implication ) God , but that the most natural hope begins to stir in the merely legal father 's heart ; so it would be pompous and artificial to go on talking about futurity , this is the future in the mind 's eye of one rejoicing man : shared , beautiful , fragile ; and the whole novel seems braced to tear itself free of the devils possessing it :
19 Nor , unfading in our mind 's eye , will this hanger-on and fantasist and self-dramatizer ever do anything , though it 's difficult to say so without a chilling , denaturing hint of analytics .
20 It is an easy trick to target controversial buildings and , in the mind 's eye at least , to pull them down .
21 Think rather , ‘ When from France And those old German wars we came back here Already it was the mind 's swift haunting glance Towards the further past , that made time dear . ’
22 I see her in my mind 's eye always in a Fair Isle jersey .
23 The enemy is the mind 's tendency to systematize , sew up experience , place a distance between itself and immediacy .
24 It was her face chiefly that I saw brightening and fading away in my mind 's eye .
25 She wanted to fix this countryside , in all its detail , in her mind 's eye and never lose it .
26 He saw him in his mind 's eye , running through the wood wearing Uncle Walter 's helmet and firing a make-believe gun at the spy planes .
27 Once I had seen a rabbit snare fixed between the palings of a fence , and now my mind 's eye saw a rabbit hopping slowly towards this remembered snare as if hypnotized , and the rabbit was me .
28 Now my mind 's eye saw Aunt Louise 's little resting place : but the inscription ?
29 Occasionally she made rolled-up pancakes , and stuffed omelettes , and steak pies with lovely gravy:I have in my mind 's eye a picture of her , sitting in a corner with some child on her lap , and the usual dreamy expression on her face .
30 It was this nightmare image of panic and despair that she kept in her mind 's eye as Simon talked his way confidently through his own philosophy of life .
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