Example sentences of "view the " in BNC.

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1 In his view the independence of modernism in art has been ‘ further subverted by the demonstration of the necessarily ‘ intertextual ’ nature of the production of meaning ’ .
2 Eliot seems to have ignored these suggestions because for him the physical and social landscape of London was no more than a screen on which to project a phantasmagoria that expressed his own personal disorders and desperations ( partly sexual , as one might expect , and as the drafts make clear ) ; whereas Pound seems to have supposed that the subject of the poem was London in all its historical and geographical actuality , much as the city of Dublin was from one point of view the subject of Joyce 's Ulysses .
3 JM Kilburn , a close observer as cricket correspondent of the Yorkshire Post , wrote : In his view the game should be played earnestly , sensibly and with unfailing goodwill .
4 In their view the older generation could never be persuaded of the value of a proletarian ideology .
5 In her view the provision of resources for the public services depends largely on the efforts of the ‘ doers ’ and wealth-creators .
6 In her view the film had been ‘ quite careful ’ to show that it was an allegory and it reminded her of the British classic film Black Narcissus .
7 ‘ But in the Government 's view the Department 's handling of the case was within the acceptable range of standards reasonably to be expected of a regulator . ’
8 With this in view the consensus among the agencies is that there will be some discounting , because nobody can ever get it exactly right , but nothing like what has been available in recent years .
9 But from the firm 's point of view the local sales of a subsidiary are as much foreign sales as any export is .
10 According to this view the grammatical difference between nouns and adjectives marks no real difference between things and their properties : a material thing , a substance , is no more than ‘ a bundle ’ of properties .
11 From the Communist point of view the witch-hunts and loyalty tests of the United States must have looked like the little puffs of smoke and flame of a stage dragon which fooled nobody .
12 PERSONAL VIEW The first casualty of political correctness
13 PERSONAL VIEW The night rugby 's Holy Grail was taken on a bender
14 In Jacques 's view the indivisibility of town and country in liberal adult education might lead naturally to the formation of a county federation of WEA branches as had occurred elsewhere in the District and which had been entirely beneficial to the growth of adult education .
15 From the learner 's point of view the most valuable part of this book consists of the 49 problems and answers .
16 From an ecological point of view the maritime , calcareous dune and pasture areas provide zones of exceptional richness and diversity ; a diversity that is enhanced by the system of non-intensive agriculture ( Roberts , Kerr and Seaton , 1959 ) and the close juxtaposition of moorland , loch and marshland habitats .
17 So any electoral system should promote all three , and in this writer 's view the present system does not do so .
18 From their point of view the results are rather disappointing .
19 Therefore there is a logical tendency to preclude from view the social reasons why people are using the land in such a way as to cause excessive soil erosion , and so most conservation policies do not address them at all .
20 But if the bad effects are on the body , and the good effects are on the gene alone , from the body 's point of view the net effect is all bad . )
21 From society 's point of view the only question is whether those who had the benefit of these excellent libraries in the forces will have the same access to books when they leave .
22 During the few moments in which she paused in her ascent to the church she reflected that now she was looking at the view the other way round ; now she was in one of the overcrowded little alleys visible from San Martino as merely a crack in a vast expanse of roof tiles and crumbling masonry and noticeable from that lofty vantage point because of the fluttering of the washing hung out on poles over the street to dry .
23 A little distance further across the moor to the north-east , a stream disappears into Rumbling Beck Cave which , followed overland , soon brings into close view the fearful abyss of Rumbling Hole .
24 On this view the interests of everyone affected by what we do must be taken into account , and equal interests must be counted equally .
25 From an animal welfare point of view the chasing of a fox or a deer round the countryside with dogs and followed by men either on foot or mounted on horses is a cruel practice which can not be justified .
26 In my view the importance of the pilot stage is that it confronts the perhaps over-sophisticated schedule with down-to-earth respondents .
27 It seems necessary to conclude that in his view the words set up no trust .
28 The point being emphasised here is that it is only possible to understand the suddenness of the onset of the downward spiral by keeping in view the production of fixed capital .
29 But in our view the wider problem centres on ( a ) the juxtaposition of airfields and housing ( or other noise-sensitive development ) , and ( b ) the non-acoustical factor of a lack of trust and confidence between both sides of the argument .
30 In my view the transmitter is far better positioned on the ferret 's collar , though I acknowledge that some other people prefer for their own reasons to trail the transmitter on the line some twelve inches behind the ferret .
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