Example sentences of "war [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before the war the Jewish and Gentile communities lived in ignorance of each other and since the war state censorship has failed to allow a full discussion of past antisemitism ( which persisted in some ugly incidents after the war ) .
2 I was born in what is now Russia , and when I came to Scotland shortly before the war the small Jewish grocery shops in the Gorbals district of Glasgow were my main link with home .
3 The removal of the Barre regime may be the end of a tyranny ; it could also be the begining of a tribal war the horrors of which we have so far only glimpsed .
4 In the Civil War the Red Army had blocked off the northern part of the Ukraine from the hungry south and commandeered the crops from the north for Great-Russian cities .
5 A month after the outbreak of war the Bishop of Durham , A. T. P. Williams , wrote in his lovely handwriting a letter sounding Ramsey whether he would become the professor of divinity at the university of Durham .
6 With the Second World War the system started to creak .
7 During the recent years after the war the university rose in national importance and always had a close connection with the bishop .
8 After the 1914 war the building industry was completely run down and the nation 's building capacity was almost non-existent .
9 Before the war the preponderant output was produced in mass for a prospective demand .
10 The fact that after the Great War the Liberal party went into decline and the Labour party emerged as a governmental party seemed to indicate that the most interesting developments must have been taking place on the left of British politics , even before the war .
11 Between Salisbury 's retirement in 1902 and the outbreak of the Great War the individualist associations , their spokesmen , and their ideas were relegated even further to the margins of Conservative politics : only two Conservatives of note allied themselves with the individualist groups , while Dicey came to regard the Conservative party as collectivist Quislings .
12 After the Second World War the economic prosperity brought by the long postwar boom , and the apparent popularity of the Attlee government 's welfare reforms , allowed the paternalist orientations of Eden , Butler , and Macmillan to flourish , attenuated by the ‘ stops ’ forced by Britain 's ongoing balance-of-payments problem .
13 Before the First World War the impact of the new colonial governments on this pattern of agriculture was extremely limited .
14 After the Second World War the comfortable , leisured life cushioned with a decent income from stocks and shares was hit both by inflation and the liquidation of Britain 's foreign assets .
15 After the Second World War the pottery moved to Tingewick , the Keyes family house , where it continues under the aegis of Phyllis 's great-niece , Sara Johnson .
16 Some may have visited the other side , but most have stayed at home living with political , economic and cultural systems that have very little in common except the original reason that they came into being — the biggest war the world had yet seen .
17 Vietnam 's acute poverty , which the boat people are trying to escape from , is a legacy of the war the Vietnamese won against the US .
18 Although these games are only part of the phoney war the results are still important to a country 's prestige and confidence and Brazil would love to add England to their victims when they visit Wembley at the end of March .
19 Later on during the Civil War the Major was carrying dispatches from Bridgnorth to Shrewsbury when he was captured by Cromwell 's troops .
20 Since the Second World War the motor industry has gone on and on growing , undeterred even by two oil shocks which sent the price of petrol soaring .
21 Though in the event of war the Royal Air Force would unquestionably be able to take a heavy toll of enemy bombers , a proportion would inevitably get through .
22 Before the Gulf war the Soviet armed forces were already reeling from a series of knocks delivered by Mr Gorbachev : the arms-cutting treaties , unilateral cuts and reorganisations , and the switch to a cost-cutting ‘ defensive ’ doctrine .
23 The industrial-chemicals division gives a host of reasons why it should stay with ICI : synergies with other parts of the group ; benefits from research ( after the second world war the by-products from the dyestuffs industry became , by chance , raw materials for the pharmaceuticals business ) ; the strength of the ICI name ; and so on .
24 During the second world war the plant kept 19,000 people busy ( assembling , among other things , Barnes Wallis 's bouncing bombs for the dam-busters ) .
25 On the first day of the war the prime minister , Yildirim Akbulut , asked the national assembly not only to sanction the use of the bases for American bombing raids but also to allow the Turkish armed forces themselves to go on the offensive .
26 Before the Gulf war the International Civil Aviation Organisation forecast that international scheduled-passenger traffic in the region would grow by 10.5% a year to the end of the century , compared with global growth of only 6.7% .
27 During the Vietnam War the public became hardened and accustomed to the horrific scenes on television .
28 But he added that in the case of the Korean War the Allies were justified in fighting against the communists .
29 The present war is the first war the people of this country have waged with a birth-rate below replacement level .
30 I was very taken with the piece and at that time after the war the Lucerne Festival was very interested in having the orchestra and allowing us to determine the repertory .
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