Example sentences of "looked for " in BNC.

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1 I took the woman 's advice and looked for work paid by the hour .
2 The Possessed looked for a long time like losing its way , and Dostoevsky would surely concede that in so far as the design was , to use his own word , tendentious , this was bound to be so .
3 Even when applied to the novel , as in Leavis 's writings on novelists or Lodge 's own early critical book , Language of Fiction , the New Criticism looked for passages of quasi-authorial description , or the exploration of consciousnesses that seem to carry authorial support .
4 As we moved along I could n't help feeling apprehensive as I looked for newly disturbed ground that could contain a box mine , or glancing at the trees and hedges for signs of booby-traps .
5 He looked for signs of a faith more supernatural , less conventional , more revolutionary .
6 To say prayers in the Catholic way of worship , and feed one 's soul on frequent sacraments , and practise a little fasting , and use the sacrament of confession , and study Marcion and the early Church and the Bible , and to have time for quietness and silence and meditation — that was what he looked for at this moment of his life .
7 When , on the third morning I looked for Athman to say goodbye to him , he was nowhere to be found and I had to leave without seeing him again .
8 What they looked for often — correctly I think — was a different type of sexuality , perhaps more libertine and less guilt-ridden ; but even that quest , if repeated by enough people , could ( and did ) become as regulated and uniform as learning itself .
9 When he started to dress in front of the fire the two older girls turned away and when he looked for a collar stud the boy ran to attend .
10 Maggie looked for the old damson tree by McCabe 's , the crab and wild cherry .
11 They wanted examples and cases to show that the institutions of capitalism are historically specific and therefore changeable ; in order to demonstrate this they looked for examples of institutions which were as different from those of capitalism as possible .
12 However , in order to answer those who had argued that without private property society was impossible , Marx looked for examples of a society without private property , again an opposite society , which would therefore also be without exploitation .
13 He looked for the pole Star on nights so intensely black that you almost had to touch your limbs to make sure they were still there .
14 Erika thawed , melted , forgave Fritz , for which he was pathetically grateful , and sent him for fruit juice while she looked for Paul who was happily playing table tennis .
15 Frau Nordern snapped a good-night back and stormed out of the Station , and such was the mood showing on her face there on the S-Bahn a railway policeman checking tickets did not ask for hers but wisely changed carriages at Lichtenberg station and looked for other prey .
16 ‘ I looked for a single builder , because I wanted to work closely with someone while I was doing the ‘ unpicking ’ myself , ’ Timothy says .
17 They sketched their ideas and then looked for clothes to match .
18 But I looked for only a moment .
19 It was in the War Academy that Valenzuela learned how to detain , interrogate , and exploit the fears of prisoners — while psychologists looked for weakness in the young draftees and weeded out those who seemed sentimental .
20 ‘ I looked for JK after .
21 He decided to live in Dorset and chose this site ( where an earlier house had been ) , because it looked for all the world as though , when the house was built , it could sail straight out to sea .
22 When I finally found him he looked for all the world like a clown .
23 I only looked for the sake of form .
24 Keeping himself hidden , Philip watched him as he looked for another stone .
25 So they looked for somewhere else .
26 When Sweetheart fixed her hair and make-up a certain way and dressed up in the clothes she made on her treadle sewing machine , she looked for all the world like Jane Russell come to life from the big screen .
27 Flipping back through the pile of loose pages again , he looked for the words he had written about the dark-haired princess who had so generously , so openly acknowledged his presence , the girl to whom ( surely ) he would have been able to tell The Truth .
28 From that time on , it seemed as though I loathed myself and looked for ways to punish my body .
29 I looked for it and never found it .
30 In the Berlin orchestra we always looked for greater knowledge and better players but maintaining standards is always going to be difficult .
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