Example sentences of "himself up " in BNC.

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1 I think he must have juiced himself up .
2 Now he drew himself up and Took Control .
3 Much also depends on the seating positions and whether the pilot is expecting the extra ‘ g ’ and prepares for it by tensing himself up .
4 What , after all , is the difference between a priest acting in the highest sense of his vocation , or a prophet compelled into declamation , or such a saint ( even unknowing ) , opening himself up to the mercies of God , becoming a channel for them to the world ?
5 Edberg stamped his world class authority on the match , dominating the 90 minute final and setting himself up for the defence of his Wimbledon title .
6 Is he really to appear as if tripping himself up and thus about to fall ?
7 When he pulls himself up or corrects his placing or step he beams on the audience as , for example , when he finishes with his back after a pirouette and hastily turns to face them .
8 We have just caught Raskolnikov saying to himself that the moth seeks the candle-flame , and Porfiry says similar things aloud ; while behind both of them Dostoevsky is telling Katkov that the murderer demands punishment and bends to an inexorable divine and human law when he gives himself up .
9 At the fête Stepan Verkhovensky , the man of the 1840s , makes a speech arguing that Shakespeare matters more than boots , and Raphael more than petroleum ; whipping himself up in his peroration to declare that mankind can get on without bread but not without beauty .
10 He picks himself up and declares about Fedka , later in the novel , ‘ I suffered for ten years on his account , more than he suffered as a soldier , and — and I 'll give him my purse . ’
11 Stepan Verkhovensky kits himself up with umbrella , travelling-bag , walking stick , broad-brimmed hat , belted overcoat and top-boots like a hussar 's ; and — Quixote overlaid for English readers by Pickwick , the White Knight , Mr Toad — he talks the language of ‘ high adventure ’ and the open road : ‘ there 's a great idea in the open road too ! ’
12 ‘ He won enough to set himself up in his own business , so if you see a ‘ Terimon Cafe ’ on the outskirts of London you 'll know how it got the name . ’
13 But he emphasised that he would not put himself up as a challenger to Mrs Thatcher .
14 He must be more patient and brace himself up to realise that he was the only person who could tackle the present chaotic state of affairs , ' This was the fourth time the King had told MacDonald that he would not accept his resignation .
15 Vincent picked himself up slowly and rubbed his ribs .
16 He pulled himself up and turned and ran down the avenue after her corps , past slow-moving cars , whose occupants stared at him curiously .
17 Arty laid down his pen and geared himself up for argument .
18 His former boss , Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski , who fled abroad last week after he came under investigation for fraud , gave himself up yesterday in West Berlin , police said .
19 He has set himself up as a left-wing leader taking on the Government , ’ Mr Clarke said .
20 Gallardo had pulled himself up from poverty by sheer force of personality , tapping the electricity lines that ran above the shanty town and reading Marx by the light .
21 Mr Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski , the previous state secretary for foreign trade gave himself up early yesterday to the police in West Berlin , where he is now under arrest .
22 Mr Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski , the previous state secretary for foreign trade gave himself up early yesterday to the police in West Berlin , where he is now under arrest .
23 Eminent and learned the judge may be , but he can not set himself up as God over all football .
24 He found himself smiling gently as he sat and watched her , and pulled himself up sharply , realizing that the girl was annoyed by what was obviously a familiar reaction .
25 He looked down at her , about to kiss her good-night as if she were one of Francesca 's friends , and pulled himself up .
26 In recent years he has set himself up as a crusader for higher press and broadcasting standards , regularly harking back to the golden days of his journalistic apprenticeship in Yorkshire , where every fact was triple-checked and every speculation ruthlessly suppressed in the Hebden Bridge Times .
27 And dangerous for the goat : a myotonic goat picking himself up from his umpteenth collapse of the day might wonder why natural selection had not taken its course long ago and dispensed with his unhappy breed .
28 Everybody , so to speak , thinks himself up .
29 Her husband appeared to have something wrong with him — he was shaking as if shell-shocked and propped himself up with a walking stick in his right hand .
30 He proclaimed triumphantly , pulling himself up to his full five foot six inches , his face aglow .
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