Example sentences of "together but " in BNC.

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1 The six competitors sat at the tea tables , together but strangely separate — each gazing at her hands or off into the distance , and never at one another .
2 At Bridgend he looked in despair , and he almost admitted as much : ‘ I hope we can pull it together but sometimes I have my doubts . ’
3 ‘ He discoursed about his understanding of the Church and he said that we had to hold the high and the low together but for his part his sympathies were with the high .
4 Michael sniggered behind Moran as soon as they were on the road together but it drew such a quelling look from Maggie that he went quiet .
5 A young couple and the wife 's parents bought a house together but only the younger couple were registered as owners .
6 Jokes and laughter can be a wonderful way of bringing people together but Gowie 's so-called jokes are the sort that cause only anger and unhappiness and make everyone despise him .
7 Those who have worked harder at their relationship , allowing it to change and develop ( or perhaps those who are luckier — whichever way one chooses to look at it ) may be content together but external relationships will still change .
8 The Leader , following in the track of the horses , went some paces ahead scanning the forest on either side ; behind him followed Hugh , walking close by Marian 's side ; still further back , together but with the width of the track between them , were Michael and the thin man ; and bringing up the rear was Crane , the young man who had run after the horses .
9 ‘ I was wrong ’ are the three hardest words in English to put together but they raise no barriers .
10 It would take longer to put together but it would endure . ’
11 It 's all about getting a really good structured song together but still putting something in there to get you a hook , whether it be a strange noise or whatever .
12 ‘ They had been living together but she said she was leaving him , ’ said Mr Ben Hemo .
13 Instead they agreed to stay together but would not sleep with each other .
14 ‘ We are trying to pull things together but certain things trigger it all off again , ’ said Robert .
15 John tried to hold the family together but it knocked everyone back . ’
16 Jade however consists of a tangled mass of needle crystals , tightly packed together but with poor adhesion at the interfaces and might be regarded as an inorganic equivalent to a briar pipe or a bamboo root .
17 ‘ He and I are always spending time together but we are not romantically inclined , ’ she said .
18 They began their Springbok lives together but both reject suggestions that they plan to bow out at Twickenham .
19 ‘ I 'd rather keep Horan and Little together but if Lloyd is a raging success against Neath , it might change our thinking . ’
20 Rovers attacker Roy Wegerle , who also knew the man at Luton , says : ‘ He and Kenny Dalglish obviously work together but Ray 's influence on the way we play is very big . ’
21 It is this ‘ strong nuclear force ’ that holds the nucleus together but protons only feel it when they are in close proximity ; once apart they feel the electrical repulsion .
22 They played well together but she was still having difficulty balancing the needs of two children since the younger one could walk and demand a lot of attention .
23 Mr Major keeps his elbows on the table , and claps his fingers together but not the base of his hands , which makes him look rather like a seal .
24 We had lunches and dinners together but sometimes Judith would stay at home with a headache or because she was tired .
25 Juliana played bass on the recent Lemonheads LP and Evan Dando has returned the favour by guesting on some ‘ Hey Babe ’ tracks ; she says they like making music together but she could n't be a Lemonhead , she wants to be herself .
26 She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together but had still been confused about the precise sequence of events between arriving at the church and the moment when she had pushed open the door of the Little Vestry .
27 A central part of methods it would seem is tacit knowledge , developed and shared by those who work together but resting unformulated and thus unavailable to those without personal contact .
28 However there are , of course , some very good coroners who say to the inspector at the outset , ‘ You go ahead and do your job of investigating the cause of the accident and I will carry out my formal inquiry into the cause of death , and in those areas where our activities tend to overlap let us co-operate together but equally let us not interfere with each other in respect of those matters in which we are not qualified to make judgements . ’
29 The next generation of OLTP technologies now coming out of the labs are based upon reliable queuing mechanisms — messaging services which allow distributed OLTP systems to be linked together but which maintain the integrity of transactions .
30 Whilst choice theories firmly limit the range of legal obligations to the parties to an agreement , the ‘ harm to interests ’ theory envisages a broader range of obligations owed not only to persons who have chosen to enter an agreement together but also to anyone whose interests are subjected to the risk of harm .
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