Example sentences of "order give " in BNC.

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1 As the Victoria County History puts it , somewhat laconically , ‘ The chief result appears to have been an order given to the overseers to relieve ten more able-bodied families . ’
2 If you committed yourself to doing every exercise in Part Two in the order given , you would miss an opportunity to ‘ listen to the whispers ’ which guide you towards what you need , right now , as a unique individual .
3 An invoice raised in April 1991 related to the first stage of contract payment on a verbal order given by the customer in March 1991 , ie the first payment was due from the customer on approval of the order .
4 The order given in the table below follows that of Mark .
5 It is important that you work through these in the order given before attempting the multiple choice questionnaire on Part 3 .
6 discuss the change requests with the New OED Project Director in the order given on the agenda
7 discuss the change requests with the New OED Computer Group Manager in the order given on the agenda
8 Up to now the possibility had seemed so remote as not to need consideration — an order given by Hardy as a matter of course , accepted by Denis as a standard instruction in an operation of this nature .
9 The trade union appealed against the order given by the NIRC .
10 I will carry out any order given to me by such an illustrious coroner of the city . ’
11 At last , their order given , he took a sip of his very dry sherry and said , ‘ This reminds me of that evening we spent together in Bruges — except that your hair was done differently then , and you wore a deep-pink dress . ’
12 In a televised address on that day Mitterrand declared : " The order given to the forces is to liberate Kuwait , not to attack Iraq . "
13 Even in the more difficult case of an unrehearsed drill movement , the order given will be one of a small set of possible orders which fit into a structure made familiar to all concerned by training .
14 The state was independent of classes in determining how best to secure a social order given the circumstances of the time .
15 If you are setting up LIFESPAN for the first time , you should follow the procedures in the order given to ensure a trouble-free installation .
16 Judgment or order given in absence of party
17 First name Surname Form Author 's name Book title Type in data in the order given pressing RETURN after each item PRESS " ESCAPE " TO RETURN TO MENU Option 4 gives a status report and is useful in collecting statistics on the use of the library over a period of two years .
18 In the widest sense , a survey consists of a number of organizational steps which need not occur in the order given below , which may often need to be retraced and which must usually be related to a preceding sequence of research or to comparable contemporaneous studies .
19 We have also included the observations of a leading pub designer in order to give the report more breadth .
20 Association director Richard Insoll warned : ‘ The Wine and Spirit Association will be reviewing this and other instances of apparent abuse of authority by EHOs in order to give its members the best advice .
21 Whereas Symphonic Variations flows onwards in simple serenity , Ashton , following Rachmaninov , here uses an enormous variety of steps and constantly changes the choreographic phrasing to reflect the increasing or diminishing sounds and to match the tempi of the melody , in order to give his enchaînements light and shade and to indicate the sheer complexity of the orchestration .
22 For example , when the musical phrases get complicated because of the use of many notes , the dancers find themselves using their hands feverishly in order to give every note its value .
23 He must select and contrast the strong and weak or tensed and relaxed movements in order to give them tempo , rhythm and expressive quality .
24 A JUDGE has put off sentencing a 26-year-old sex attacker in order to give the victim , a young mother , an opportunity to express her view on what the punishment should be .
25 For someone over seventy her descent of that great staircase was as good as a frolic ; her satchel swung wildly round merrily bumping her large bottom , her sensible suede shoes skippetty-hopped like the finest quality glass slippers , while her honest tweed skirt flirted up her legs in order to give her long beige knickers their first sight of the sunshine in quarter of a century .
26 He only glances up at the television occasionally , as he is intent on finishing these as quickly as possible in order to give himself ti me to write a letter home to his wife .
27 National Power was given 70 per cent of the CEGB 's generating capacity in order to give it an economic mix of power .
28 THE Tory MP Mr David Tredinnick ( Bosworth ) provoked fury from the Liberal Democrats during the Queen 's speech debate when he accused them of ‘ doughnutting ’ — sitting in a tight circle around their spokesman in order to give the impression on television that the Commons was full .
29 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
30 Scenes are also still hand-coloured in order to give them the classic Disney feel , but developments in automatic colouring systems could well change this before too long .
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