Example sentences of "even months " in BNC.

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1 The most common complication is a prolonged and often uncomfortable pain which can last for weeks or even months .
2 East Germans now have to wait for weeks or even months for replies to their applications for visas to Hungary , through which more than 31,000 have escaped since August .
3 In reality , deterrent operations might last for weeks or even months , but the AMF(L) must exercise as a fighting force if it is to prove its worth .
4 There would be bad , and good , effects and it would take weeks , even months , for her to assimilate them .
5 This overwhelming sense of rejection is based on dreading this prospect all their lives , and difficult to change and undermine in weeks or even months .
6 It is skills oriented rather than information oriented ; it is group based ; trainees are encouraged to observe interviewing sessions as part of the process of training before actively conducting an interview themselves ; the pre-basic training can be of several weeks or even months duration ; the basic training course itself is not assessed formally ; and the overall time taken to become a useful member of a CAB team may be as long as a year .
7 Many scientists spend weeks , or even months , in the construction of their own particular research apparatus .
8 The discovery of more stable chemicals ( Table 3 ) — the true residual insecticides — which were sprayed on to the walls and roofs of dwellings and left a deposit that was lethal to mosquitoes resting on it for many weeks and even months , produced the ideal control that did not demand an impossibly high efficiency .
9 In a new pond , which is effectively what you have , the filter must be allowed to mature the water , which can take weeks or even months .
10 Normally , it can take forever — well , even months at times — to extract just a nugget of information from the Pentagon , but this time minutes only .
11 Only in the final stages of breakdown does the nutrient become available for uptake by living plants , and this can take weeks or even months .
12 Many have survived days , weeks or even months lacking regular food or safe accommodation , often by begging or shoplifting and sleeping in squats , derelict buildings , on the streets or under bridges in cardboard boxes .
13 First , he applies it to the rites of purification which a warrior has to perform among , for example , the American Indian peoples of Natchez and the Pima , which involve the killer in being taboo for days , weeks or even months after the killing .
14 It is unreasonable to expect a piece of software to turn you and your computer into their equal in a matter of weeks or even months .
15 After some weeks or even months , the skin splits .
16 We may need weeks , or even months . ’
17 A woman who would never walk free in the sunshine , serving a life-sentence where today child murderers are punished by countable years or even months .
18 While it is of course very difficult to fix an offer price several weeks or even months in advance who knows how share prices in general will change in the meantime ? — the table does seem to confirm our earlier claim that , on average , the offer price was set below the free market price .
19 But it would prevent the press from publishing calumnies which can not be answered , as in the Beck case , sometimes until weeks or even months after the allegation is made in the public arena of a court .
20 The organism induces decreased acid secretion , at least in the early phase of the disease but this may persist for weeks or even months .
21 The effect may not be immediate , some indiscretions take weeks or even months to become apparent , but will usually be in the form of a system crash .
22 But now they have to wait weeks or even months to claim back the money — forced to produce an exam certificate for each trainee before the TEC pays up .
23 IF you are depressed or anxious , having relationship difficulties or worried about work , finding a qualified counsellor to talk things over with is n't always easy — especially if you ca n't afford fees of between £15 and £30 an hour , or do n't feel able to wait the weeks or even months it can take to get an appointment .
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