Example sentences of "for reasons " in BNC.

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1 Both men made for the Mediterranean eventually , for reasons which may have involved a respite from British miseries and injustice .
2 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
3 That does not mean , he wrote , that if the body does not protest the project necessarily has any value , though for reasons I have gone into already it is necessary to put such thoughts out of mind , they can not help , they can only hinder , they can not water , they can only blight .
4 Sadly , for reasons of social class , she was not particularly well regarded either .
5 Then again for reasons of established cultural preference we had to go back to the Audit Commission and ask them to translate £6.358 million into ‘ real men ’ , for we had difficulty in trying to sell such an alien concept to the police mind .
6 Unfortunately this evolutionary attraction of the causal theory is also illusory , for reasons that similar to those that established the circular nature of the Weber-Fechner and other psychophysical laws .
7 The press apparently had expected Steffi 's invincible reign to last for several years — when last year Graf had a bad year ( by her standards ) the men and women of the press understandably searched for reasons for it — and voiced them .
8 On one occasion , lashing about for reasons after the event , Raskolnikov cries out ‘ I simply wanted to dare , Sonya , that was my only motive ’ ; and next to ‘ I just did it ’ this must be reckoned his least untrue account of himself and his deed .
9 In my judgement , the advent of theory was not a cause of disruption , but a symptom of it , for reasons suggested in the above quotation from Gerald Graff .
10 As we know , this agreeable stasis did not continue ; the synthesis started to come apart for reasons which I have tried to explain .
11 For reasons which are much more pragmatic than ideological , I have come to think that a separation of Cultural Studies from English , though not easy , would be the least damaging way forward for both parties .
12 Here the Sicilian reference , in itself a very slight one but worth pointing out for reasons that will emerge , is in ‘ Federico Secondo ’ , who is identical with the ‘ Frederic ’ of canto 25 , glossed above .
13 ‘ As a child , ’ Claud wrote , ‘ Patricia hunted half the day and in the evenings , supine on a board for reasons of deportment , lay drinking Madeira wine and reading The Golden Bough . ’
14 The famous photograph of the 72-year-old Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue at the camera inspired an Australian film-maker who ( for reasons he may come to regret ) has adopted the name of Yahoo Serious to make Young Einstein ( PG ) , a mock-heroic biopic dedicated to ‘ the genius rebel with a clowning sense of humour ’ .
15 Witnesses may be anxious for reasons other than lying .
16 For reasons which never seem quite convincing , given the tediousness of the material and the fact that the three do not even believe in it , this becomes an obsessive hobby over a period of years .
17 In the case of the RUC , domestic disputes are routinely attended for reasons other than law enforcement .
18 Without Ramsey 's knowledge , Fisher came to the decision that he could not want Ramsey to succeed him , for reasons given above .
19 As my own thank-offering I would like to try briefly to express some thoughts on education by which I have long been troubled and to which no place , for reasons which I will show , could be more appropriate than this .
20 The rebellion of the American colonies in the eighteenth century confronted the British with an axiom which , for reasons which are capable of being understood , they found so unpleasant that more than two centuries later they have still not ceased attempting to wish it out of existence .
21 He wrote to Stead in April 1928 that he felt that for reasons of compensation he required the most ascetic and violent form of discipline , and discussed having to come to terms with celibacy as a Christian .
22 A reassessment of Fanon 's humanism has become necessary for reasons similar to my reconsideration of Gide 's and others ' essentialism in sexual politics .
23 It has , however , been contained by an environment in which President Nyerere 's political leadership promoted a strong national ideology , and in which , for reasons which lie in Tanzania 's nineteenth-century history ( including both the replacement of traditional authority by trader barons and the unity achieved among some peoples in resisting German colonialism ) localism has been much less strong than among many African peoples .
24 Ahidjo decided in 1981 that for reasons of health , he would step down from the presidency but remain chairman of the ruling party , the Union Nationale Camerounaise ( UNC ) .
25 Sweden has gone anti-nuclear in its power-generating policy and consequently vast hydro-power stations have been built in the northern lake areas for reasons better known to themselves , the Swedes made no provision for salmon runs so the huge lakes are now devoid of fish and the Lapps have left .
26 Of these 21 left of their own accord for reasons ranging from incompatibility to pregnancy .
27 On 4 November the management , by then under pressure ( for reasons unconnected with APEX or ACAS ) , agreed that ACAS should ballot the workers on whether they wanted union recognition .
28 For reasons best known to the fuel companies , the Gulf crisis never turned into an oil crisis , although petrol prices generally leap up and down quicker than a Tory backbencher during a Neil Kinnock speech if a dealer on the Amsterdam spot market so much as sneezes over his computer screen .
29 Frau Nordern and Omi beamed on Erika , Bodo banged the table with his fist , making the plates bounce alarmingly , Erika blushed , and , for reasons known only to himself , Paul went a fiery red , too .
30 With Lewis this was not so , and it is probably vain to look for reasons .
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