Example sentences of "for fail " in BNC.

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1 This can be provided by the magic power or words , such as inscribing prohibitions into the nation 's constitution , and by manifestations of the divine in terms of either retribution for failing to uphold the truth , or grace for upholding the truth , with rewards ‘ such as oil finds and victories in the World Championships ’ .
2 Others have been half-trained on slippery floors , where they worry about keeping their feet , yet are yelled at for failing to respond quickly enough to commands .
3 Mansell was penalised for failing to stop during the Portuguese Grand Prix and he threatened to quit if FISA , the sport 's governing body , did not remove the ban .
4 The Basque troubles are seen by most Spaniards as so tangled that they do not blame the current Socialist government of Felipe Gonzalez for failing to end the strife .
5 JANSHER KHAN , who won back the world title here on Saturday , is in danger of losing some or all of his $15,000 ( £9,500 ) prize money this week , for failing to make more than a brief appearance at the official dinner afterwards .
6 The group also condemns the Government for failing to carry out research into its effectiveness .
7 LAURENT FIGNON said yesterday that his three-month suspension for failing a dope test was lenient .
8 Admittedly the referee was a foolish fellow who kept re-penalising Swansea for failing to retreat 10 yards when he did not give them the remotest chance to do so .
9 SELECTING jurors is ‘ a lottery within a lottery ’ and can be unfair to the administration of justice , an Old Bailey judge said yesterday , as he fined a man £100 for failing to turn up for jury service on the second day of a trial because it was ‘ not his scene ’ .
10 Constables know that all radio messages are taped and that the time they take to arrive at calls is recorded , which is often unnecessary , given the competition to beat other stations and colleagues by getting there first , although stories were told to us of instances where people were transferred for failing to respond to a call .
11 As an illustration of how it can occur , the field-worker was told of an incident in which a driver was asked to stop for failing to wear a seat-belt , upon which he sped off , necessitating a car chase , which eventually ended with two cars being wrecked and a policeman injured .
12 Mrs Thatcher , ironically , now found herself criticized by the Chicago sage , Milton Friedman , for failing to apply the monetarist remedy with sufficient consistency or determination .
13 A lead story in Bob Gledhill 's column headlined ‘ Beware of Non-Fishing Bureaucrats ’ ( November 24 issue ) criticised one of local boat clubs for failing to invest in electric winches and described the committee as ‘ armchair rulers . ’
14 The code received a warm reception from conference delegates but several caterers in the audience criticised their local EHOs for failing to present a united front on the interpretation of regulations .
15 Gen Aoun rejected the Arab peace pact for failing to ensure a clear , rapid timetable for the withdrawal of Syria 's 33,000 troops from Lebanon .
16 Most nurseries write off one in 10 plants , for failing to germinate , thrive or being destroyed by pests .
17 Judges will have powers to fine litigants for failing to turn up at court hearings .
18 THE Department of Transport was severely criticised yesterday for failing to apply proper sanctions against contractors who have cost taxpayers £70 million through poor workmanship and inadequate supervision of nearly 130 roads and bridges built since 1970 .
19 The episode ended in the Bay of Pigs disaster , with Cuban exiles pinned on the beaches cursing the US for failing to provide air cover .
20 In an interview with the Guardian , he attacked the Prime Minister for failing to have an urgent strategy to help the reform movements in the East .
21 THE TRANSPORT Secretary was attacked yesterday for failing to bring in screening of passenger baggage to be stored in aircraft holds , and for putting commercial interests ahead of tighter security .
22 The company claims not to have defaulted on the NAB loan and criticised the bank for failing to take account of the ‘ extraordinary financial difficulties ’ being faced throughout the country 's business community because of high interest rates .
23 Both sides are to blame for failing to put this land-for-peace formula into practice .
24 Mr Ro earned the boot for failing to detect the public 's sensitivities on this point .
25 Post-war America was in favour of a united Europe to stand more firmly against the Soviet Union , and successive American administrations grew irritable with the Europeans for failing to believe that unity in Europe could be as simple as it was in America .
26 The Democratic speaker of the Texas House of Representative , Gib Lewis , was indicted in December for failing to report a gift from a local law firm .
27 It is doubtful whether either of these distinctions would bear scrutiny on the broader canvas of moral and social philosophy : the moral thrust of Caldwell is that people are often just as much to blame for failing to think as they are for thinking about their actions and its consequences , and this very argument was applied to rape in the paragraphs above .
28 The older dog can usually compensate for failing eyesight or hearing through a highly developed sense of smell — it gradually learns to cope .
29 The regarders , like the verderers , were frequently amerced at Forest Eyres for failure to carry out their duties to the satisfaction of the judges — for failing to appear with the other regarders to make the regard , or to take the regarders ' oath , or to present their rolls of the regard on the first day of the Forest Eyre , or for losing their rolls , or for incompleteness in their returns .
30 The villagers naturally resisted : in December 1638 thirteen of them were each fined 40s. for failing to send representatives to the swanimotes , and men appointed by thirteen others were amerced for non-attendance .
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