Example sentences of "is usually " in BNC.

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1 This means that there is usually only one ‘ show-case ’ production at the end of the year for agent and production managements to see .
2 In all cases students taking a course ( which is usually either a two-year diploma course or a one-year course ) are expected to return to their country on completion of training .
3 The technique required in presenting characters from these plays is usually more delicate than can be achieved in a first audition , whereas the work of Tom Stoppard , David Hare and Barry Keefe ( for example ) is more easily grasped by the young actor .
4 Stage fright is something else — but it is usually self-induced and can be overcome , finally , with much rehearsal practice .
5 And class work in this area is usually referred to as ‘ technique ’ or simply ‘ acting ’ .
6 The chairman of the board is usually the parish priest or his curate .
7 The main owner of such schools is usually and indirectly the Church of Ireland , and current expenditure and salaries are provided by the state , with the board of governors presided over by the local minister .
8 In Scotland beer is usually served in a quite different fashion .
9 Though Agatha Christie was properly reticent about the breadth of her reading , it is clear to the informed student of her works that they reflect a much broader and deeper literary frame of reference than is usually admitted to this particular author .
10 Although no single measure is usually sufficient on its own , a combination of deterrents can be remarkably effective .
11 The actual speed at the time is usually far too slow to allow for any use of the airbrakes , but there is plenty of room ahead for a safe landing .
12 On a windy day , more care is usually taken , but even then a few moments ' inattention , or the wrong drill , can result in the glider being blown over and written off .
13 The routine for rigging and de-rigging is usually passed on by word of mouth , or is self-taught .
14 In very high winds it is usually better to deliberately let the glider swing into wind so that it comes to a stop facing directly into wind .
15 This is a slow launch which picks up speed and fades several times , and it is usually caused by a shortage of fuel or mechanical trouble on the winch or car .
16 Stalling on the actual approach is usually caused by failing to monitor the airspeed regularly , or by failing to react to its indications .
17 Throughout the training , landing out is usually treated as such a serious misdemeanour that the inexperienced pilot is often influenced into trying desperately hard to get back if he either inadvertently drifts away from the site or gets lost during a local soaring flight .
18 With a rope break , the climb out is at the normal towing speed when the rope breaks , whereas when engine problems occur the tow is usually slow and the climb is far worse than normal .
19 Surprisingly , there is usually less reduction in ‘ g ’ during an incipient spin or full spin than in a straight stall and , apart from the initial apprehension , these manoeuvres affect sensitive people less than normal stall recoveries .
20 The problem is usually discovered only when the threads of the device can not be detected in the vagina .
21 But it is usually there , in surprisingly high quantities .
22 It is usually about 9 to 11 kg 20 to 25 lbs by the time your baby is due .
23 So scratching the scalp is usually the first sign that a child has head lice .
24 Treatment is usually a lotion which kills the lice and nits in a few easy applications .
25 The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance ( fundamental philosophically and developmentally ) is what is usually referred to as ‘ self-world dualism ’ : the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me .
26 Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb .
27 The waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates , and so the presence of well developed and well defined abdominals is an obvious sign of an excellent physical state .
28 However , most two pack systems , similar to our own Wood Bleach , do not contain any acid and as Mr Leach himself points out the ‘ A ’ solution is usually a strong alkaline .
29 The ‘ A ’ solution is usually a strong alkaline .
30 When a special tool has been developed , it is usually because nothing else will do the job as well .
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