Example sentences of "is therefore " in BNC.

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1 But the question of what pictures are entirely or for practical purposes Bellini 's own is answered largely by personal taste ; there is therefore a considerable divergence of view .
2 The film is therefore built up in pieces , a process which makes particular demands of an actor — who is also vulnerable to technical problems with cameras , lighting and editing in a way which is quite removed from the stage actor 's experience .
3 There is therefore no elaboration in the forum proceedings on hierarchical directives to their faithful on constitutional matters .
4 This monopoly position is therefore totally beyond criticism .
5 An outline of the church 's dominant political theology on the issue is therefore also explored .
6 These efforts have proved — regrettably — to be unsuccessful , and the essay is therefore printed here for the first time without its owner 's permission .
7 It is therefore not surprising that incidents and accidents happen when this kind of situation occurs , especially if it is during an early off-field landing when the pilot is under pressure .
8 The authorities do not require other methods of recovery to be tested , and it is therefore not always possible to be sure whether using the aileron , for instance , will flatten the spin and make it more difficult to stop .
9 It is therefore important to teach and always to think of the stick movement as being a progressive forward movement made until the spin stops .
10 The insider/anthropologist is therefore somewhat schizophrenic , something of a Jekyll and Hyde , for he knows that publication and explication might be career-suicidal but are necessary intellectual tasks .
11 The argument is therefore not about police control or a utopia without controls , but to explore why some cultural behaviour has a history of police action and to discover where that behaviour fits into police ideology .
12 Analysis of police culture is therefore particularly suited to the anthropological method , for it requires an extended field study to reveal much about the unspoken agenda which determines many aspects of police practice .
13 This ethnography is therefore an attempt to meet the dilemma , for the problem of revelation and betrayal continues to surface and can only be resolved , at best , by overcoming these subjective feelings and pursuing compromises ( Barnes 1981 : 2 ) .
14 It is therefore difficult for him to appreciate the general view of the Service , that , on his return … he must re-establish his professional standing , even though a few years earlier the Service had sent him to University because he had proved himself to be a good , practical policeman .
15 In such a situation it is therefore all the more necessary to recognize the unique place the ethnographer holds and to capitalize on it .
16 In this way , short-handed teams still have a chance to win and the match is therefore meaningful .
17 It is therefore vital that each team nominates an observer to monitor what is happening in the arena .
18 Line , like stance , is therefore a fluid thing ; it is a method of positioning and repositioning yourself so that you are always trying to reduce the opponent 's opportunities .
19 The first objective is therefore to shorten this interval .
20 Their ontological status is therefore every bit as secure as the status of unobserved theoretical entities in other sciences ( for example quarks in subatomic physics ) .
21 My argument for functionalism is therefore critically dependent on whether or not I can convince you that progress in one of these areas — cognitive neuropsychology — is unlikely to be simply an illusion .
22 His problem is therefore at the level of the speech output lexicon .
23 It is therefore especially ironical that the neurophysiological CTP , which locates the basis of perception literally in the head , at a particular place away from the perceived object , actually sharpens the mystery of intentionality .
24 ‘ It is therefore highly appropriate that we should support this innovative scheme to enhance the quality of British men 's tennis . ’
25 A maximum of 15 minutes on any one drill is therefore ideal , unless , of course , it is being played for points , in which case you should play to the end of that particular session .
26 The reason for this is very simple ; the anterior deltoid is brought into play with nearly all chest exercises and is therefore always being trained more than the other heads .
27 However , a machine can only stretch in a few directions and is therefore only of limited value .
28 It is therefore slightly erratic in phrase , rhythm and tune .
29 The BMC is therefore asking people to park their cars at Feizor Hamlet and walk — please !
30 The history of Lakeland climbing is therefore the history , according to the FRCC , of the guide editor 's climbing friends , and similarly in Wales , history is the CC perspective of what went on .
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